
Monday, August 5, 2013

Homemaker Monday ~ 8/5/13

Come join Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The Weather...

A gorgeous, sunny, 66F!  I'm loving it :)

Right Now I Am...

Taking a break from cleaning before I mop the floors.


That it would be nice to have the whole house clean at the same time...

On My Reading Pile...

The Maid of Fairbourne Hall

Still didn't start this one.  I did absolutely NO reading this week other than my Bible.

On My TV...

Poster of G.I. Joe: Retaliation
We're having family movie night tonight and this will be one of the later showings.

We're hoping to be able to rent this movie for the all-family movie.  Hopefully it will be returned to the Redbox before this evening so we canrent it.

What I Found While Surfing the Net...

Photo: Make these Peanut Butter Secrets and watch the pleasantly surprised smiles on your kids’ faces when they discover what’s inside:

Click on picture for the recipe.

On the Menu This Week...

Monday:  Ham, Cheesy Potatoes, Corn, Apples
Tuesday:  Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Broccoli, Oranges
Wednesday: Fellowship
Thursday:  Pork Chops, Pierogies, Green Beans, Grapes
Friday:  Pizza
Saturday:  Out
Sunday:  Fellowship

On My To Do List...

Today:  Floors and laundry
Tomorrow:  Babysitting, crocheting
Wednesday:  Taking the girls to the lake
Thursday:  Laundry
Friday:  Errands and shopping

In the Craft Basket...

Pearl - Newborn Baby Pod - Photo Prop

Newborn baby Pod in Pearl.

Looking Forward To This Week...

Getting out of my reading slump.

Looking Around the House...

The girls and I are making progress today.

From the Camera...

Teaching her young :)

On My Prayer List...

Motivation and determination to get healthier, My good friend, Rhonda, who is having some major issues with a really bad ear infection.

Bible Verse, Devotional...

"Jesus said to the people who believed in Him, "You are truly My disciples if you remain faithful to my teaching.  And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free."  John 8:31-32 NLT


  1. came over from the happy homemaker linky. those peanut butter secrets look really good.
    wish my kids would smile while they did their chores! have a good week. beth

  2. Adorable picture of your little girl :) I so know that feeling of wishing the whole house would be clean at the same time LOL!

    Have a blessed week xxx

  3. Peanut Butter and Chocolate!! MY two favorite food groups!!!


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