
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Once Upon a Read-A-Thon 2013 ~ 7/8-7/10

This Readathon is hosted by Angela & Loretta at Reading Angels, Candace at Candace’s Book Blog and Pure Imagination. It runs from 12:01 am on July 8th to 11:59 on July 10th.  Click above to go sign up.

My Goals:

1.  Read every day.
2.  Participate in the mini-challenges
3.  Complete 3 books

My Books:

1.  Eye of the Storm by Hannah Alexander
Eye of the Storm

2.  An Accidental Mom by Loree Lough
An Accidental Mom

3.  Anna Meets Her Match by Arlene James
Anna Meets Her Match

Wish me luck!


Mini Challenge

For my mini challenge I would like to know...

1. Which book you are most excited to read in the coming year? It can be already released or coming soon.

The Sum of All Kisses (Smythe-Smith Quartet, #3)

2. Which book would you re-read if you had the time and weren't so busy reading ALL of the other good thing?

My Stubborn Heart

3. and lastly, If you could meet any fictional character who would it be and why?

Mr. Darcy and it should be self-explanatory :)


  1. Good luck and hope you manage to achieve your goals :)

  2. Good luck with your goals, I really think they're very achievable, I'm sure you'll do great!

    My #OUReadathon post.

  3. I havent heard of any of those books! But good luck with your reading anyway, and hope you achieve your goals :) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Oh Darcy is an excellent pick and I am loving your book choices for the challenge! good luck!

  5. Good luck with your goals! They are great ones!
    Hope you enjoy the readathon!

  6. Darcy is an excellent pick. nice goals too -- best of luck during this read-a-thon.

  7. Good luck with your readathon! :)

    - Farhana @ Digesting The Words

  8. Good luck! Darcy is a good pick. I wouldn't mind meeting him.

  9. Good luck and I agree: Darcy is a great pick!!

    My Ocne Upon a Readathon Goals & Updates
    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  10. Good luck!! I haven't heard of the books you picked but I want to check them out!

  11. Best of luck meeting your goals. I have only read a few of the Love Inspired novels, but I really liked them and do plan on reading more.
    - Belle

  12. Thanks for participating in the Cover2CoverBlog Mini Challenge! Good luck during the read-a-thon

  13. Good luck with your goals, I hope you read all the books you plan to!

  14. Would this meeting with Mr Darcy involve a tour of Pemberley and maybe a delicious epic Regency breakfast? Because I'd totally be down with tagging along for those parts... :)


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