
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Chats on the Porch ~ Bacon or Sausage ~ 7/9/13

This week's questions are:

1. Bacon or sausage? If vegetarian, what do you have for breakfast?

Bacon all the way!

2. Do you take time to "smell the roses"?

I literally stop and smell roses as often as I see them.

3. What's your favorite stone fruit? (Peaches,nectarines,plums, apricots, and cherries are i n the stone fruit family.)

Hmm....  I'll have to go with cherries on this one.

4. What is the thing people notice most about your personality? ( quiet- outgoing- polite-funny-etc.)

I used to be painfully shy but I've worked through that over the years.  I hope that now they would say I am kind.

5. Is there a hobby that you have wanted to do, but haven't started yet?

I crochet but I'd love to learn how to knit as well.  I even have the knitting needles, books and everything to learn but just haven't taken the time.

Let's chat and get to know one another!


  1. Colletta, great responses. I learned how to crochet in the 4th grade. I can still make stuff... just haven't as of late. One of my friends taught me to knit. I didn't stick with it and don't remember how anymore. I love watching people create stuff like that. Someday I'll pick it up again.

  2. my great aunt tried to teach me to do crochet but i could not be patient enough to learn ... i was & still am antsy. ha. ha!! ( :

    have a good week.

  3. For some great knitting instructional videos, I recommend this site: I will be happy to answer any questions you have as well.

  4. How were you able to get over being painfully shy? I am, too, and it causes a lot of problems. I would love to know how to get over it.

    My m-i-l tried to teach me to knit while I was expecting our first baby nearly 30 years ago. Not until the late 1990s/early 2000s did I find a person that was able to teach me to knit successfully. I enjoy it, but crochet is easiest and fastest for me.

    I enjoyed your post. Have a great week!

  5. My daughter learned to crochet by watching YouTube tutorials. I bet they have some good ones on knitting too. I learn so much easier by watching someone do something.

  6. My mother in-law tried to teach me crochet but I'm left handed and that made it difficult to achieve. Now I just cross stitch. :)


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