
Monday, July 29, 2013

Homemaker Monday ~ 7/29/13

Come join Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The Weather...

A gorgeous, sunny, 67F!

Right Now I Am...

Doing everything but the dishes.  Procrastination...


That I really need to just get the dishes done and move on!  lol

On My Reading Pile...

The Maid of Fairbourne Hall

I took this book with me camping this past weekend and didn't even crack it open!  After I get everything put away and situated, I hope to start it today.

On My TV...

We're trying to get caught up on AGT.

What I Found While Surfing the Net...

Photo: We served these Cinnamon Roll Pancakes at Sunday Brunch.  mmmmm, mmmmm good.  Enjoy!

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes


for the Pancakes:
4 cups all-purpose flour
8 tsps baking powder
2 tsp. salt
4 cups milk
4 tbsps vegetable oil
4 large eggs, lightly beaten

for the Cinnamon Filling
1 cup butter, melted
1 1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
2 tbsp ground cinnamon

for the Cream Cheese Glaze
1/2 cup butter
4 oz. cream cheese
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla


To make the Cinnamon Filling:
Mix the three ingredients together. Place in a disposable piping bag and snip the end off or put in a Ziploc bag and snip the corner off.

To make the Pancakes:
Mix the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet ingredients in another bowl. Stir them together until everything is moistened leaving a few lumps.

Heat your griddle to exactly 325 degrees. You don't want these too cook too quickly, and you won't want your cinnamon to burn. 

Make desired size pancake on greased griddle and then using the piping bag and starting at the center of the pancake, create a cinnamon swirl. Wait until the pancake has lots of bubble before you try to turn it. You will find that when you turn it the cinnamon swirl will melt. The cinnamon will melt out and create the craters which the cream cheese glaze will fill.

To make the Cream Cheese Glaze:
In a microwave safe bowl melt the butter and cream cheese and then stir together. Whisk in the powdered sugar and vanilla. Add a little milk if needed to make
it a glaze consistency. 

Place pancake on plate, then cover with cream cheese glaze.

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes


for the Pancakes:
4 cups all-purpose flour
8 tsps baking powder
2 tsp. salt
4 cups milk
4 tbsps vegetable oil
4 large eggs, lightly beaten

for the Cinnamon Filling
1 cup butter, melted
1 1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
2 tbsp ground cinnamon

for the Cream Cheese Glaze
1/2 cup butter
4 oz. cream cheese
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla


To make the Cinnamon Filling:
Mix the three ingredients together. Place in a disposable piping bag and snip the end off or put in a Ziploc bag and snip the corner off.

To make the Pancakes:
Mix the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet ingredients in another bowl. Stir them together until everything is moistened leaving a few lumps.

Heat your griddle to exactly 325 degrees. You don't want these too cook too quickly, and you won't want your cinnamon to burn.

Make desired size pancake on greased griddle and then using the piping bag and starting at the center of the pancake, create a cinnamon swirl. Wait until the pancake has lots of bubble before you try to turn it. You will find that when you turn it the cinnamon swirl will melt. The cinnamon will melt out and create the craters which the cream cheese glaze will fill.

To make the Cream Cheese Glaze:
In a microwave safe bowl melt the butter and cream cheese and then stir together. Whisk in the powdered sugar and vanilla. Add a little milk if needed to make
it a glaze consistency.

Place pancake on plate, then cover with cream cheese glaze.

On the Menu This Week...

Monday:  Ham, Cheesy Potatoes, Corn, Apples
Tuesday:  Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Broccoli, Oranges
Wednesday: Fellowship
Thursday:  Kielbalsa, Noodles, Green Beans, Strawberries
Friday:  Pizza
Saturday:  Out
Sunday:  Fellowship

On My To Do List...

Today:  I'm watching my cousin's two kids today and laundry
Tomorrow:  Go through Laken's clothes and make a school list
Wednesday:  Go through Kaylee's clothes and make a school list
Thursday:  Babysitting, laundry, bills and grocery list
Friday:  Grocery Shopping

In the Craft Basket...

0-3 Month Football Hat with Earflaps - Photo Prop

I'm making a 0-3 month Football beanie.

Looking Forward To This Week...

I started using a new planner!  I'm a dork and get excited about things like this :)

Looking Around the House...

It doesn't look too bad!  lol  We did some straightening up when we got back from camp yesterday.

From the Camera...

I forgot to take my camera on the camping trip.  I was so mad!  Kaylee got some pics with her ipod though.

On My Prayer List...

Motivation and determination to get healthier, the many people I know who are sick or having surgeries this week.

Bible Verse, Devotional...

"I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective when you perceive al the good that we may do for Christ."  Philemon 6

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Friends ~ 7/25/13

A Royal Daughter

"I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from My Father."
John 15:15

Lord, I am thankful every day that You sent Your Son to live among us.  How blessed we are that He taught us about You and gave us such a beautiful example to follow.  May I remember every day to pause and give thanks for this, so I do not get too caught up in my trivial, worldly cares.

"What a friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear!"
--Joseph M. Scriven

Excerpt from:  A Woman's Daily Prayer Book

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

WWW Wednesday ~ 7/24/13

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?


• What are you currently reading?

Bed of Roses (Bride Quartet, #2)

I'll be starting this book today.  Book 2 out of 4.


• What did you recently finish reading?

Vision in White (Bride Quartet, #1)

Book 1 out of 4 of the Bride Quartet Series.  The heroine, Mac, was crazy!  The hero, Carter, was lovable.  I enjoyed reading the story and learning the characters for the series.  There was a lot of back-story.  I'm hoping that Book 2 will be even better :)

• What do you think you’ll read next?

Savor the Moment (Bride Quartet, #3)

Book 3 out of 4.  I'm not sure.  I might throw something else in before this one to break up the wedding theme storyline.


Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Chats on the Porch ~ Wild Horses ~ 7/23/13

This week's questions are:

1. Do you use any type of water filter (pitcher or sink mount)?

No, but I usually only drink bottled water.

2. Do you have any tips for staying hydrated in the warmer weather?

Nothing major other than drink lots of fluids!

3. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?

My hair is naturally curly.  The longer it gets, the curlier it gets.

4. Are you on top of all the chores/work you do, or are you always running behind?

I'm always behind on housework.  It seems like I get one chore accomplished and another pops up!

5. If you could sing a song to Wendell, what would it be?

Oh my!  This is too funny.  How about:

Let's chat and get to know one another!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Homemaker Monday ~ 7/22/13

Come join Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The Weather...

A breezy 75F but warming up quickly!

Right Now I Am...

Cooling down after my walk.  Need caffeine....


Of the fact that I need to run to the store in order to get some caffeine (Dr. Pepper).

On My Reading Pile...

Vision in White (Bride Quartet, #1)

I started this a few days ago and haven't been able to get back to it.  I don't know if it is because I'm not that into the book or because I've been busy.  I'll give it another go today.

On My TV...

Last evening, after Church, we caught up on MasterChef.  It is now down to the top 8!

What I Found While Surfing the Net...

Photo: Bacon and Potato Bake

4 cups frozen shredded hash brown potatoes
1/2 cup onion (finely chopped)
8 ounces bacon, cooked and crumbled
1 cup (4 oz.) shredded cheddar cheese
1 12 oz. can Evaporated Milk
1 large egg, lightly beaten 
1 1/2 teaspoons seasoned salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
1).Spray an 8-inch-square baking dish with cooking spray.
2). Layer 1/2 potatoes, 1/2 onion, 1/2 bacon and 1/2 cheese in prepared baking dish. Repeat layering with remaining ingredients.
3). Combine evaporated milk, egg and seasoned salt in small bowl. Pour evenly over potato mixture and cover with aluminum foil. 
4). Bake for 55 to 60 minutes. Uncover, then bake for an additional 5 minutes. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes before serving.

Bacon and Potato Bake

4 cups frozen shredded hash brown potatoes
1/2 cup onion (finely chopped)
8 ounces bacon, cooked and crumbled
1 cup (4 oz.) shredded cheddar cheese
1 12 oz. can Evaporated Milk
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 1/2 teaspoons seasoned salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
1).Spray an 8-inch-square baking dish with cooking spray.
2). Layer 1/2 potatoes, 1/2 onion, 1/2 bacon and 1/2 cheese in prepared baking dish. Repeat layering with remaining ingredients.
3). Combine evaporated milk, egg and seasoned salt in small bowl. Pour evenly over potato mixture and cover with aluminum foil.
4). Bake for 55 to 60 minutes. Uncover, then bake for an additional 5 minutes. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes before serving.

On the Menu This Week...

Monday:  Baked Chicken Tenderloin, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Apples
Tuesday:  Benefit Dinner:  Roast Beef and sides.
Wednesday: Fellowship
Thursday:  Ham, Fried Potatoes, Green Beans, apples
Friday:  Pizza
Saturday:  Out
Sunday:  Fellowship

On My To Do List...

Today:  Take the girls to the Lake.
Tomorrow:  Babysit for my cousin then a benefit dinner in the evening.
Wednesday:  Kaylee's Ortho Appt.
Thursday:  Laundry...again.
Friday:  Get ready to go camping!

In the Craft Basket...

Newborn Zebra Hat and Diaper Cover Set - Photo Prop

I got an order for a zebra set from a lady who is adopting a baby who is due in 2 weeks.  So touching!

Looking Forward To This Week...

Going Camping!!!!

Looking Around the House...

I see dishes and laundry that need done.

From the Camera...

Nothing this week.  I wish I would have gotten some pics from VBS!  :(

On My Prayer List...

Motivation and determination to get healthier, to spend more time in prayer for spiritual matters.

Bible Verse, Devotional...

"I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from My Father."  John 15:15

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Spiritual Sunday ~ You Are Beautiful ~ 7/21/13


"O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!  You have set Your glory above the heavens."
Psalm 8:1

Have a blessed week!


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Saturday 9 ~ Endless Summer ~ 7/20/13



Thanks to Kwizgiver for recommending The Beach Boys

1) The best-selling Beach Boys album of all time is this two disc greatest hits compilation. Do you have favorite Beach Boys song?

2) The original members of the group were the Wilson brothers, their cousin Mike and a friend from the neighborhood. Have you ever worked with a family member?

Yes, I have more than once.  I worked with my grandmother, mom and aunts when I was growing up in their craft shop.

3) Originally released in the mid-1970s, Endless Summer was one of the first fast-selling albums sold on TV. Have you ever picked up the phone and purchased anything directly from TV?

Actually, I don't think I ever have!

4) The Beach Boys are very popular in Australia. Have you ever been Down Under?

No, I haven't, but I would love to someday.

5) Actor John Stamos played bongos on the Beach Boys' hit, "Kokomo." In his younger days, Stamos was Blackie on the daytime drama, General Hospital. Have you ever followed a soap opera?

I watched "Days of Our Lives" for years and even DVR'd it so I would miss any episodes.  I stopped watching when it got over-the-top.

6) Many Beach Boys songs revolve around the surf. How are you on a surf board?

I don't know because I've never been on one.  My guess would be pretty bad.  lol

7) Would you prefer summer to be endless? Or do you enjoy the changing seasons? 

I prefer the changing seasons.  It is a good thing I live in PA :)

8) Do your summer 2013 plans include a trip to a waterpark?

We are planning a trip to a small theme park that includes a waterpark.  Can't wait :)

9) Describe your swimsuit.

It has shorts and a long top.  Maybe someday I'll be able to comfortably wear a fashionable swimsuit again.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Five On Friday ~ 7/19/13

Five things that made me smile this week :)


1.  Camping!  Last weekend we went camping along the Potomac River.  It was the first time we went camping in a tent since I was a kid!

2.  The kids LOVED the hammock.  Must get one for home :)

3.  We found a little turtle.  I named "her" Petunia.   We visited for a while and then took her back to where we found her :)

4.  We're going back to camp again in a few weeks :)

5.  I saved the best for last.  One of my best friends since Kindergarten gave birth yesterday to her new little boy.  Mom and baby are doing well.  I can't wait to see him :)

What made you smile this week?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Prayer ~ 7/18/13

A Royal Daughter

I am not asking You to take them out of the world, but I ask You to protect them from the evil one.
John 17:15

Lord, how unworthy we feel of Your Son's prayers on our behalf, but how grateful we are for His intercession!  It's all more marvelous, more mysterious than we can grasp, but because we trust Your Word and Your heart, we humbly thank Him for caring so much about us.  Surely His prayers are heard above all others!

"As Jesus prayed for us, so we must pray for one another."

Excerpt from:  A Woman's Daily Prayer Book

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

WWW Wednesday ~ 7/17/13

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?


• What are you currently reading?

The Fixer Upper

I'll be starting this book today.  I'm taking the girls to the beach.  It is supposed to be a wonderfully hot and sunny day.  I'll sit under a tree keeping an eye on the girls while I read :)


• What did you recently finish reading?

An Heiress at Heart (Love's Grace, #1)

I finished this book late last night and love it!  I gave it a 5/5 on goodreads.

• What do you think you’ll read next?

Vision in White (Bride Quartet, #1)

I have all four books in this series coming to me in the mail.  If I receive this in time, it will be my next read.


Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Chats on the Porch ~ Board Games ~ 7/16/13

This week's questions are:

1. Have you cooked any interesting dishes lately?

Not really interesting as I am very picky and have picky children as well.  Last night I made a dish containing spiral noodles, bacon and mozzarella cheese.  It was yummy :)

2. What question would you like to ask Wendell?

Wendell, do you dream?

3. Have you had any thoughts of Christmas yet?

I was actually just thinking of it today.  August has an extra pay so that will go toward school clothes and Christmas.

4. Do you make jams and jellies?

Not on a regular basis but I have made strawberry, peach and pear jellies and jams before.

5. Do you have any board games that you enjoy?

I like just about any board game.  I especially like Monopoly and Disney Trivial Pursuit :)

Let's chat and get to know one another!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Homemaker Monday ~ 7/15/13

Come join Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The Weather...

A sunny 72F and promising to be a beautiful day!

Right Now I Am...

Trying to get some umption in my gumption to get some work done today.  Need more caffeine....


Of my to-do list.

On My Reading Pile...

Short-Straw Bride

I started this book last night and easily could have stayed up until I finished it if I hadn't been so tired.  There are two more books by Karen Witemeyer on my shelf so I think I'll read them in a row.

On My TV...

On my DVR, waiting for me to watch it :)  Still...

What I Found While Surfing the Net...

Photo: My Mom-in-Law is Amish. She's an awesome person and incredible baker. This is the homemade Little Debbie cookie recipe she uses. It's her son and my hubby's favorite.


1 c. butter-flavored shortening or margarine 
3 c. brown sugar
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon salt
1-1/2 teaspoon soda
2 teaspoons cinnamon
¼ teaspoon nutmeg (optional)
2-1/2 c. all-purpose flour
3 c. quick oats (uncooked)

Cream together shortening and sugar. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each one is added. Beat in vanilla. Sift together salt, soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and flour. Add the flour mixture and quick oats to the creamed mixture. Bake at 350 9-11 minutes. Do not allow cookies to get golden brown. Bake cookies until they look set on top. This is an easy cookie to over bake so be careful. 

3 egg whites, beaten stiff
4 teaspoons flour
3 teaspoons vanilla
6 Tablespoons milk
1 c. shortening
4 c. powdered sugar

Beat egg whites until stiff. Add milk, flour, vanilla and 2 c. of the powdered sugar. Beat and then add shortening. Add the remaining 2c. powdered sugar and beat really well. 



1 c. butter-flavored shortening or margarine 
3 c. brown sugar
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon salt
1-1/2 teaspoon soda
2 teaspoons cinnamon
¼ teaspoon nutmeg (optional)
2-1/2 c. all-purpose flour
3 c. quick oats (uncooked)

Cream together shortening and sugar. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each one is added. Beat in vanilla. Sift together salt, soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and flour. Add the flour mixture and quick oats to the creamed mixture. Bake at 350 9-11 minutes. Do not allow cookies to get golden brown. Bake cookies until they look set on top. This is an easy cookie to over bake so be careful.

3 egg whites, beaten stiff
4 teaspoons flour
3 teaspoons vanilla
6 Tablespoons milk
1 c. shortening
4 c. powdered sugar

Beat egg whites until stiff. Add milk, flour, vanilla and 2 c. of the powdered sugar. Beat and then add shortening. Add the remaining 2c. powdered sugar and beat really well. 

On the Menu This Week...

Monday:  Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs
Tuesday:  Pork Chops, Buttered Noodles, Broccoli, oranges
Wednesday: Fellowship
Thursday:  Ham, Fried Potatoes, Green Beans, apples
Friday:  Pizza
Saturday:  Out
Sunday:  Fellowship

We went way off menu last week, so I'm able to keep it almost same for this week.

On My To Do List...

Today:  Laundry
Tomorrow:  Get craft items together for VBS
Wednesday:  Take the girls to the lake
Thursday:  Bills and grocery list
Friday:  Grocery shopping

In the Craft Basket...

Nothing started at the moment.

Looking Forward To This Week...

Going to the Lake and watching the girls swim while I read a good book.

Looking Around the House...

I see piles and piles of laundry.  Other than that it isn't too bad right now.  Amazing!

From the Camera...

We went camping Friday along the Potomac River.  We're hoping to go again in a few weeks.

Doug, Kaylee and Laken relaxing in the hammock.

Our tent

A cute little cabin we saw while walking along the river.

On My Prayer List...

Motivation and determination to get healthier, VBS that is coming up soon, to have the commitment to read my Bible more as challenged in Church yesterday.

Bible Verse, Devotional...

"I do not consider that I have made it on my own; but this one thing I do:  forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press o toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 3:13-14

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday Scripture ~ Every Good Thing ~ 7/14/13


"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.  For if they fall, one will lift up the other."
Eccl. 4:9-10

Have a blessed week!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Austenland Trailer!!!!!! Coming 8/16/13



Victory ~ 7/11/13

A Royal Daughter

Hannah prayed and said, "My heart exults in the Lord; my strength is exulted in my God...I rejoice in my victory.
1 Samuel 2:1

Victories--both bit and small--are sweet when they come from You, God.  Promotions, honors, breakthroughs, discoveries, answered's fun to savor them and know that your gracious hand has provided them.  Help me remember to thank You when I taste victory today and to give You praise in all circumstances.  My greatest reward in this life is Your abiding presence with me.

"There are no losers in the Kingdom of God.  Christ has secured victory for us over sin and death by His own death and resurrection.  We are forever winners in Him!

Excerpt from:  A Woman's Daily Prayer Book