
Monday, June 17, 2013

Homemaker Monday ~ 6/17/13

Come join Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The Weather...

H83° L61°


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Right Now I Am...

Drinking Dr. Pepper and trying to wake up!


About all I need to get done today.

On My Reading Pile...

Tidewater Inn (Hope Beach, #1)

I'm over half-way through and am enjoying it.  I picked it out to take to the beach this past weekend but didn't start it until after we got home.  It was too fun watching the kids play :)

On My TV...

Right now cartoons are on the TV.  But on my DVR is the FoodNetwork Star from last night.  I love those shows!

Food Network Star

What I Found While Surfing the Net...

Pepperoni & Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken Breasts
INGREDIENT1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts2 oz. mozzarella cheese1.25 oz. (approx. 16 slices) pepperoni 1 large egg
1/2 cup bread crumbs (low carb use crushed pork rinds) 6 Tbs vegetable oil to taste salt and pepper
STEP 1: Trim the chicken breasts. Slice each breast in half diagonally to create two diamond-like shaped pieces. Using a small, sharp knife, cut a pocket into the side of each breast piece. This can be slightly tricky on thinner pieces so be careful. Be sure not to cut all the way through the meat but rather just into one side so that the fillings will stay in.
STEP 2: Stuff each piece of chicken with 1/2 oz. of cheese and about 4 slices of pepperoni. Lightly season each piece with salt and pepper. Set the stuffed chicken aside.
STEP 3: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Begin to heat a large skillet with 6 Tbsp of vegetable oil over medium/high heat. Collect three shallow dishes and put the flour in one, the egg in another and the bread crumbs in the third (Pampered Chef Coating Trays would be great for this). Beat the egg until it is an even consistency (adding a 1/2 tsp of water helps break it up).
STEP 4: One by one, coat each piece of chicken in the crushed pork rinds , then the egg .. Use your hands so that you can keep the open side of the pocket pinched closed and keep the fillings in.
STEP 5: Test the oil in the skillet to see if it is hot enough by dropping a small pinch of pork rinds in. The pork rinds should sizzle and dance A LOT. It is very important that the oil is hot enough or else the breading will soak up a lot of oil and you’ll end up with some really greasy chicken!. Place all four pieces of chicken in the skillet and cook until it is golden brown and crispy on each side. This should take no more than 2-3 minutes.
STEP 6: When you remove the chicken pieces from the skillet, transfer them to the baking sheet and place it in the oven. Finish baking the chicken (to cook the inside) for about 25 minutes (longer if you have larger pieces). Remove from the oven (check to make sure the chicken is cooked through) and serve immediately!

On the Menu This Week...

Monday:  Pepperoni & Mozzarella Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli, Apples
Tuesday:  Pork Chops, Buttered Noodles, Corn, Oranges
Wednesday:  Fellowship
Thursday:  Macaroni & Cheese, Hot Dogs, Peas, Grapes
Friday:  Pizza
Saturday:  Out
Sunday:  Fellowship

On My To Do List...

Lots! The house is trashed from the weekend of being on the go.  I have tons of laundry to get done.  No hanging on the clothesline today due to the weather.  It will be a dryer day.  I have dishes piled up but need to get dish liquid before I can finish them.  Also on the list for today are the floors.

As for the rest of the week, I'm having a filling replaced Tuesday.  Thursday is payday, so that means writing out bills and getting groceries.  All my normal routine also will need to be done.

In the Craft Basket...

I have a turkey hat to make for an etsy order.

0-3 MonthTurkey Hat - Photo Prop - Thanksgiving

Looking Forward To This Week...

I look forward to taking the girls back to Shawnee Lake to the beach on Wednesday.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate :)

Looking Around the House...

I'm so grateful for our home and will be even more grateful when the clutter gets under control.

From the Camera...

First catch of the day.  On a Barbie pole, no less :)

On My Prayer List...

We're refinancing to consolidate some debt and I'm praying that Closing comes this week and goes smoothly.

Bible Verse, Devotional...

"Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it."  And He took the children up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them.  Mark 10: 15-16


  1. Isn't it amazing the mess a house can get into when you're just running in and out? Hope all goes well with the refinancing!

  2. Hi. Thanks for stopping by! That chicken looks divine. I understand about the clutter too, seems we always have a mess from one think or another. I am excited about your book reviews - I am always looking for good suggestions.

  3. I love the Food Network Star. It was a good one last night.

  4. That chicken looks SO good, yummy.

    Love the turkey hat, how cute :)


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