
Friday, June 21, 2013

High Five for Friday ~ 6/21/13

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Five things that made me smile this week :)


1.  Saturday afternoon we had a fellowship picnic at Shawnee Lake.  We fished, swam and generally had a great time just being together.

2.  Dex came for a while and did his very first fishing :)

3.  Laken caught the first fish of the day :)

4.  The pool is warming up and we've all been swimming.  Kaylee and her friends have been in just about every day.  Yesterday, I had 6 kids at our house.  It was a hoping place :)

5.  We are closing on our consolidation loan this afternoon.  Our first payment won't be due until August, so no house payment for July!  whoohoooo!  :))

What made you smile this week?

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