
Friday, June 14, 2013

High Five for Friday ~ 6/14/13

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Five things that made me smile this week :)


1.  The biggest event in our house this week was my oldest daughter's birthday.  She turned 12 yesterday!  Next year I will have a teenager!  Unbelievable.  We went out for lunch and then I made her requested birthday dinner of Stuffed Shells.  She always picks ice-cream cake for her birthday cake.  We found an Oreo ice-cream cake and it was delicious.  Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

2.  The girls and I participated in Hoosier Homemade's Summer Scavenger Hunt.  You can see more on that HERE :)

3.  Last night I started reading a book and got half-way through before I went to bed :)  This is a big deal because I have been in such a reading slump lately.  I haven't even picked up a book in a few weeks because nothing was keeping my attention.  This anthology has been great so far :)

A Bride for All Seasons

4.  We've been swimming, swimming, swimming :)  Even though the pool isn't very warm yet, that doesn't stop us.  Especially the girls!  I think they've been swimming just about every day.

5.  Saturday evening we had a bunch of people over from Church for a cook-out.  We had so much fun talking and laughing together.  And of course, the kids had a blast in the pool  :)

What made you smile this week?


  1. Sounds like a great week to me and Happy Birthday to your daughter.

  2. Oh man... all that swimming - I'm jealous!

    12 yrs old... what a fun age! :)

    I'll do that with books - get in a slump & then just speed through some.

  3. Your book reading inspired me to dig into a good book! Thanks ;)

  4. Aww, happy birthday to your beautiful girl.


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