
Monday, April 8, 2013

It's Monday! What Am I Reading? ~ 4/8/13


The book I am currently reading is:

A Noble Groom

Recently widowed Annalisa Werner has the feeling her husband was murdered but can't prove it. Alone with her young daughter in 1881 Michigan, she has six months left to finish raising the money needed to pay back the land contract her husband purchased, and the land is difficult to toil by herself. She needs a husband. With unmarried men scarce, her father sends a letter to his brother in the Old Country, asking him to find Annalisa a groom. 

For nobleman Carl von Reichert, the blade of the guillotine is his fate. He's been accused and convicted of a serious crime he didn't commit, and his only escape is to flee to a small German community in Michigan where he'll be safe. He secures a job on Annalisa's farm but bumbles through learning about farming and manual labor. 

Annalisa senses that Karl is harboring a secret about his past, yet she finds herself drawn to him anyway. He's gentle, kind, and romantic--unlike any of the men she's ever known. He begins to restore her faith in the ability to love--but her true groom is still on his way. And time is running out on them all.


So far, this book has been an awesome read.  I read about a jailbreak to save a man from the guillotine = exciting!  Carl has just gotten to Michigan and barely escaped getting married the first night he was there until he explained that Annalisa's groom will be arriving in a few months and he is just there to help until then.  I was kind of hoping they would end up married right away but I look forward to enjoying how the story unfolds.

Also Hoping to Reading This Week:
Duchess by Susan May Warren
Angel Falls by Connie Mann
The Promise Box by Tricia Goy (if it comes in the mail)
Josiah's Treasure (if it comes in the mail)

Lots of reading to do this week!

What are you reading today?


  1. Looks like so good reading! Enjoy!!!

  2. I love the sound of your book this week, hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

  3. I am reading Knots and Crosse s.


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