
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Getting to Know: Carey at Gypsy Thread ~ 4/4/13

Name: Carey Cherivtch
Home State: MA
State of Residence: FL
Birthday: October 16
Hair Color: Light brown?
Eye Color: They change – usually some form of blue, gray, or green

Home life (Family, pets, etc.): My 20 year-old man-child, James, keeps promising he’s going to move out soon so I can convert his bedroom into my very own sewing paradise. It doesn’t seem likely in any sort of immediate future, though. Am I a bad mother for looking forward to having an “empty nest”?

Occupation: Once upon a time I worked in corporate finance and corporate legal worlds. In June 2005 I ended up developing a neurological disease, CRPS, and have technically been “disabled” since. To stay productive I put more effort into one of my hobbies, sewing, and Gypsy Thread was born.

Favorite food: Yes. Food. Food is my favorite. 
Go-to beverage of choice: Coffees and Iced Tea

Favorite Accessory: Earrings and Bracelets

What's your blog/website(s)? /

Why do you blog/write? What do you hope to accomplish with blogging? My blog is terribly neglected. I do try to use the platform to write about my sewing adventures and let others know where I’ve been fortunate enough to find treasures.
What's the latest goings-on that you would want others to know about? I’m still trying to find my footing after moving from MA to FL last August. I miss my loving family, fabulous fabric stores, and favorite foodie spots. I am super grateful to have found several great groups of other artisans to connect with who have been a fabulous help socially and in finding new resources. However, I am absolutely NOT missing the New England winter!
Any words of encouragement or wisdom to impart? "Everything can be taken from a man but the last of human freedoms, the right to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances - the right to choose one’s own way." ~ Viktor Frankl
Where can readers connect with you online? All over! Facebook –, Twitter –, Pinterest –, Instagram –

If you'd like to be featured in a "Getting to Know You" post, please email me at collettaskitchensink [at] yahoo [dot] com .

A Royal Daughter


  1. Thank you so much, Colletta! I feel like a super star. :)

  2. lovely write up on one of my favourite people. Nice blog too Colletta

  3. Carey also one of the great leaders of the Tampa Bay Etsy Crew! She is one awesome lady!


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