
Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Fragments ~ 4/19/13

Mommy's Idea

Five things that made me smile this week :)


1.  The flowers are popping out everywhere.  Each day I see more and more.  Trees are blossoming and getting green.  What a gorgeous world God created!

2.  Both girls got back to school this week.  They both ended up on antibiotics but are feeling much better which makes this mama feel much better too!

3.  I started crocheting an afghan just because I wanted to.  For me!

4.  The scale finally is starting to go down instead of up!  Does anybody else have the problem where they gain before they start losing?  That would be me.  But I'm happy with this morning's weigh-in!

5.  Tonight is Date Night!!  We try to schedule one every month.  The girls will be staying over with their Pap and Mamaw and we will get the house to ourselves!  Greatly needed alone time planned :)

What made you smile this week?


  1. Thanks for stopping by and what great things to smile about. Love that you are crocheting just for you. I started an afghan 5 years ago and it's still in the works. I was going to make it for our first Grandchild and he is now 4 1/2. I need to get back on it. Happy weekend!

  2. Date night!!! Love those!!!
    COngrats on the scale moving downward! Its hard work!!!

  3. Tax season ending and a little get a way! That made me smile! We saw so much of God's gorgeous creation! That made me smile too!

  4. Hooray for a date night! I have one of my kids sleeping over at a friend's house tonight, but, sigh, that still leaves 3 kids at home!

  5. Can I borrow your scale? Mine is NOT working like yours!

  6. I like your monthly date night routine--great idea! I like seeing the spring flowers too. We finally had 83 degrees yesterday--beautiful! We slept with the windows open for the first time this year! Then today, back down to 45 degrees. Crazy Cleveland weather.

  7. date nite is the best!!!! We're going out in Thursday night this week fir a steak and lobster special at the local supper club.


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