
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Book Review: Cut and Run by Traci Hohenstein

Cut & Run

*I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.*
Title:  "Cut and Run"
Series:  Rachel Scott Adventure
Author:  Traci Hohenstein
Publisher:  Thomas & Mercer
Publication Date:  4/2/13
Pages:  213
Buy From Amazon:  HERE

Book Description:

When Matt O’Malley turns up at a truck stop with a nasty concussion and no recollection of what happened to him or his family, investigator Rachel Scott knows she and the Florida Omni Search team have to act fast. Whoever attacked him still has his wife and children, and a gruesome piece of evidence points to deadly possibilities.

While Matt sweats under the scrutiny of the FBI, his shattered memory slowly pieces together disturbing details. Afraid to trust even his brother with this new information, he turns to Rachel, who scours southern Louisiana for clues. Along with retired police detective Red Cooper, Rachel searches everywhere from a voodoo parlor to an eerie Houma swamp, unearthing troubling secrets about the O’Malleys…and a shocking truth behind the disappearance of Rachel’s own daughter. 

Traci Hohenstein picks up her suspenseful Rachel Scott series with its third entry, Cut and Run—a gripping thriller that captures the haunting spirit and intoxicating mystery of New Orleans.

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

I hadn't read any of the previous "Rachel Scott Adventure" books but this book sounded so interesting that I agreed to read and review it for the author.

In the beginning of the book the author does recap past books a bit and I have to admit I was getting a little confused with all the names that didn't pertain to this particular book.

But other than that, this was a great read alone book.  I was pulled into the mystery and admit that I had a hard time figuring it out.  I had a general idea of who might be involved but even then I wasn't sure.

This is a very interesting, suck-you-in book that I really enjoyed.

A Brief Excerpt:
"Helping people get out of jail has always been a part of my life, just like stepping over drunks on Bourbon Street."
 Page 1

The Cover:

The copy I received was an ARC with just a small scale picture of the cover included.  It didn't play a big part in the enjoyment of my reading, but now that I've finished and look at the cover closer it is perfect for this book.

Other Notes:

~There are previous books in this series.

~This is a mainstream book and therefore contains some secular topics and scenes but it was still a very clean read.

~Hopefully there will be more books to the series!



On to the next book,

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