
Friday, March 1, 2013

Tea Time ~ Happy March! ~ 3/1/13

Won't you come meet Alissa , me and the girls for a coffee date,
or in my case, hot chocolate with whipped cream or maybe a chai tea?

Hello, friends!  I hope you're having a good week.  How about some Tea Time chatting about things that made me smile this week :)
~It is finally March!!!!!  March is my birth month and I plan to celebrate all month long!

~I received a "Sweatin' to the Oldies 2" DVD yesterday!  My Mom and I used to do this exercise "tape" back in the day together.  I can't wait to exercise to it with her this afternoon.  Memories....

~My good friend who is due with baby #4 in July found out that she is having a BOY!  That will make 2 girls and 2 boys for her and her hubby.  So excited for her!

~My twin nephews will be arriving this month.  They will be here by the 27th, if not before.  I honestly think they'll come at any time.  They are 5lb-4oz and 5lb-3oz already.  That is big for twins who aren't actually due for another month!  Please pray that all goes well with the delivery for the mama and the babies.

~Etsy sales are starting to pick back up.  Praise the Lord!  It was quite slow there for a couple weeks so we've been adding a good many new items as we've had time to work on them.  Go check them out!

~I'm starting a feature on Thursday called "Getting to Know You".  I want to feature bloggers, writers, etc.  If you are interested in being featured, please email me at collettaskitchensink [at] yahoo [dot] com and make my day!

~I read an excellent book this week.  "Shattered" by Dani Pettrey was a terrific read.  Pick it up if you have a chance.  My review will post on March 7th.

How was your week?  What made you smile?

P.S.  Alissa asks for our 5 beauty must haves so here are mine.  1.  Good hydrating shampoo and conditioner  2.  A smooth eyeliner  3.  Tasty lipgloss  4.  Blush  5.  Mascara  (I'm really not picky about the brands expect for shampoo and conditioner.)

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1 comment:

  1. Yay for your birthday month! sounds like a lot of babies in your life :)
    stopping by from the linkup.


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