
Friday, March 8, 2013

Tea Time ~ 3/8/13

Won't you come meet Alissa , me and the girls for a coffee date,
or in my case, hot chocolate with whipped cream or maybe a chai tea?

Hello, friends!  I hope you're having a good week.  How about some Tea Time chatting about things that made me smile this week :)
~It has been a bit of a blah week for me so I'm going to have to work hard at remembering what made me smile.

~It is Friday!  Here's to the next week being peppier!

~Softball season is starting.  Sign ups are tomorrow.  I can't wait to watch the girls play :)

~We watched "Here Comes the Boom" with Keven James.  Love that guy!

~Snow day!  And almost all the snow is melted!!!  Come soon, Spring!

~We turn the clocks forward tomorrow!  That makes me smile :)

~I've been drinking lots of hot tea this week.  So good....

~It is Friday!  Oh, I already put that one....  lol

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  1. This is so inviting! Email will be sent to you today! Thanks! Hug!

  2. I couldnt believe how fast the snow was melting after this last 'storm'. SO thankful!!!

  3. Time to shine! Share your favorite post of the week at Friday Flash Blog Hop with The Jenny Evolution! Visit


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