
Friday, March 15, 2013

Tea Time ~ 3/15/13

Won't you come meet Alissa , me and the girls for a coffee date,
or in my case, hot chocolate with whipped cream or maybe a chai tea?

Hello, friends!  I hope you're having a good week.  How about some Tea Time chatting about things that made me smile this week :)

~Laken had her dental procedure done yesterday.  Her mouth is now "bedazzzled" and she had 4 teeth to put under her pillow last night.  The Tooth Fairy took quite a hit!  Everything went well.  I am so glad to have that behind us.  It has been a long 5 months waiting for her appointment.

~My twin nephews should be making an appearance at any time!  Michele went to the hospital the other day because she wasn't feeling movement but both boys are fine.  I'll be glad when then get here safe and sound!

~I had a TON of dishes piled up in the kitchen this morning.  But now they are all DONE!  Whoo hoo!  I can see the kitchen again :)

~It is supposed to get up to 48F today.  I think I'll take a nice long walk in the beautiful weather!

~Only 9 days until I turn the big 3-5!  I guess that is something to be happy about.  lol  I've made it through another year and it is getting closer and closer to Spring!

~We got "The Guardians" from Redbox to watch tonight for Family Movie Night.  Anyone seen it yet?

What has made you smile this week?

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  1. Hi! I'm visiting from Friendship Friday :-) I hope you'll also join me for my Friday Flash Blog on The Jenny Evolution ( Happy weekend!

  2. Hi! I really love your teacup! I have just turned 3-5 - it's not been too bad so far - ha ha. Found you on Friendship Friday, would you like to follow me back too? Looking forward to really more on Colletta's Kitchen Sink. :o)

    Have a lovely weekend.


  3. sounds like some good things in your week; thank God! :)

  4. It sounds like you have many things to be grateful for. It will be exciting to have twin babies around. It is wonderful when it is warm enough to get outside and walk. Please enjoy your weekend. I found you on Friendship Friday.

  5. You are blessed and a blessing...few can say that!


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