
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Read, Crochet, Repeat ~ 3/6/13

My current read and project are:

I'm just getting ready to start reading "Swept Away" by Mary Connealy.  It is the first book in the "Trouble in Texas" series.  I might make some hot chocolate later and curl up with a blanket and read while it is snowing outside.

A while ago I made this throw pillow front called "Copenhagen".  It has been in my WIP pile ever since.  I'm going to start the back sometime soon.  I look forward to finally getting the pillow finished.

I read.  I crocheted.  Now, to repeat.

Have a great day!


  1. so pretty! I love the color combo!

  2. I gotta learn crochet those squares are pretty!

  3. Granny squares are special, maybe that's why
    I asked my grand littles to call me Grannie

  4. Lovely squares!

    Ohhhh...and hot choccie, book and blanket while it's snowing outside...looooovely!

  5. Awesome squares! Enjoy the snow and the cocoa! Popping in from Ginny's!

  6. thanks for your comment on my blog today! :) Look forward to getting to know you! :) Lovely work!

  7. I have to admit, you've inspired to pull out my crocheting and get busy! I have so many WIPs....five afghans started just waiting to be finished.

  8. Love the squares! A day of crochet and reading sounds yummy to me :)


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