
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Read, Crochet, Repeat ~ 3/27/13

My current read and project are:

I'm reading "The House that Love Built" by Beth Wiseman.  I've read many books by Beth but most have been Amish.  So far, I'm really enjoying getting to know the characters and the town is supposedly where the movie "Hope Floats" was filmed.  I look forward to digging in deeper.

Today, I started a Twisty Scarf in Red Heart "Mexicana".  It is bright and vibrant.  Just what I needed to get my spirits lifted in this dreary start to Spring.

I read.  I crocheted.  Now, to repeat.

Have a great day!


  1. That scarf looks fantastic. I love the rss Mexican. What is the pattern?

    1. It is a pattern that I basically just made up. lol


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