
Monday, March 18, 2013

It's Monday! What am I Reading? ~ 3/18/13


The book I am currently reading is:


Lucy Kendall always assumed she'd help her father in his candy-making business, creating recipes and aiding him in their shared passion. But after a year traveling in Europe, Lucy returns to 1910 St. Louis to find her father unwell and her mother planning to sell the struggling candy company. Determined to help, Lucy vows to create a candy that will reverse their fortunes. 

St. Louis newcomer Charlie Clarke is determined to help his father dominate the nation's candy industry. Compromise is not an option when the prize is a father's approval, and falling in love with a business rival is a recipe for disaster when only one company can win. Will these two star-crossed lovers let a competition that turns less than friendly sour their dreams?


I am loving this book!  It is all about making candy and eating candy.  So fun and so bad for my sweet tooth.  I had to stop at the store and get a Reese Egg to satisfy my craving!  Siri Mitchell is such a great author.  The book reads easily and hooks me in.  I can't wait to get back to it!

Also Hoping to Reading This Week:
Love in the Balance by Regina Jennings
Baroness by Susan May Warren

What are you reading today?


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