
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Getting to Know: Sharmon @ Simple Pleasures Gifts

Name: Sharmon McMillen
Home State: Colorado
State of Residence:Montana
Height: 5 foot 7 inches
Age: 38
Birthday:  March 24
Hair Color: Blondish brown
Eye Color: Hazel

Home life (Family, pets, etc.): I have been married for 16 years to a wonderful man whom can make me laugh, cry, crazy and sane all in one moment. He is my best friend. We have two children together. Daughter Shelby who is 14. Son Garrett who is 11. We try daily to raise them in an old fashioned country state of mind where work and play must be a balance and we try to teach them that nothing is worth having if you haven't worked for it. 

Occupation: Stay at home mom, struggling author, jewelry maker, home based gift basket business owner, cowgirl!

Hobbies that you enjoy: Writing, jewelry making, gardening, canning, riding horses, hunting, fishing, hiking anything outdoors!!
Yes, for me, it's a hobby.

Top three favorite TV shows: Restaurant impossible, OFFICE, Ghost Mines
Favorite authors: Jan Karon, Nora Roberts, Sophia Kinsella

Favorite book: The Shack
Favorite food: PIZZA
Go-to beverage of choice: Diet 7up with Orange Juice Concentrate mixed in it!
Favorite Outfit: Definitely my Rock-N-Roll Cowgirl Jeans with sparkles and a Hello Kitty T-Shirt
Favorite Accessory: Way too many to choose from! I love them all

What's your blog/website(s) My Blog is @ 

Why do you blog/write? What do you hope to accomplish with blogging? I am morphing it into more of an every Montana Day for me type of stuff. It will have anything from horses, cows, recipes, heartwarming stories! YOU NAME IT!!
I would like to accomplish a solid following just because! Many people don't know much about Montana or country life! I thought they might be interested!

What's the latest goings-on that you would want others to know about? That it is okay in today's busy world to take time for yourself and stop and smell the roses.

Any words of encouragement or wisdom to impart? Don't be afraid to be who you are, after all you are the best person to do it!

Where can readers connect with you online? I can be reached through my shop on Etsy. Or at my!

If you'd like to be featured in a "Getting to Know You" post, please email me at collettaskitchensink [at] yahoo [dot] com .


  1. I don't know when the last time was that I met someone from Montana! Im a CO girl as well! So I loved getting to know you! thanks for sharing!


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