
Friday, March 29, 2013

Crocheting the Miles ~ 3/29/13

Crocheting a one row for every 3 miles (5K) walked to make a "Life-ghan" with Cris.

365 Miles in 365 Days Challenge

Total Miles This Week:  12
Total Miles in 2013:  85

Rows allowed:  28
Rows completed: 26

(No new pic)



Getting started today :)  Hopefully!
2/1/13-2/7/13 = 10 miles
2/8/13-2/14/13 = 7 miles
2/15/13-2/21/13 = 6 miles
2/22/13-2/28/13 = 7 miles
3/1/13-3/7/13 = 7 miles
3/8/13-3/14/13 = 4 miles
3/15/13-3/21/13 = 8 miles
3/22/13-3/28/13 = 12 miles

Total:  61/60




  1. I wish I had the talent to crochet. I have tryed it many times and I just can not get into it. Congrates on all your miles and on your amazing crocheting ability. :)


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