
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Chats on the Porch ~ 3/26/13

This week's questions are:

1.  Melanie asks "What kinds of seafood have you tried and liked? What is the most unique seafood you've eaten?

I don't like seasfood at all!  My biggest walk of the seafood side is a fishstick.  lol

2.  Anne says, "An unforgettable holiday moment is_____________________. (She's on the other side of that BIG pond. I believe a holiday is a vacation on this side. )

We went to Disney World this past summer and it was great!  The kids loved and and we took my parents who had never been there.  It was so amazing to see my youngest daughter's face when we watched the Beauty and the Beast Musical.  She was in awe!

3.  Arlene wants to know, "When was the last time you tried something new?"

Something new?  Hmm...  I really can't think of anything other than trying a new recipe.  Wow, am I boring!

4.  Becky asks, "Who or what inspires you?"

My family and friends inspire me.  Especially when I have a bout with depression/anxiety.  With God's help, they are what gets me through each day.

5.  Madonna wants to know," How did you chose the names of your children. Wendell adds,"If you don't have kids, how do you choose pet names?"

Kaylee Ann= My middle name, Kay, with the hubby's middle name, Lee.  + My mom's middle name is Ann.  
Laken Amelia = The "ken" is for my father in law and the "mel" is for my dad.

Let's chat and get to know one another!


  1. Vacations with family are the best. I don't try new things often, accept recipes and knitting patterns.

  2. i love Disney World. a place where you can feel like a kid always & forever. ( :

  3. It is cool that you got to bring your parents to Disney too. I love the story of your kids names. :)

  4. I enjoyed reading your answers. I've been down with the flu this week, so it took a long time for me to get over here. Have a Blessed Easter!


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