
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Chats on the Porch ~ 3/12/13

This week's questions are:

1.  Beth asks:What's your favorite movie of all times? The one you've seen multiple times.

Either Braveheart or First Knight!

2.  Clairity says: Name three things that are permanent residents in your handbag or purse.

Sunglasses, wallet and an extra pair of contacts.

3.  Red asks: What's the best way to your heart?

My two top love languages are "Words of Affirmation" and "Touch".  So sweet words and and arm around me :)

4.  Mamaw wants to know: Do you like going to yard sales?

I'm not a "yard-saler".  Mainly because I'm usually not by myself and the hubby and kids end up wanting a bunch of stuff that we won't use and don't need.  Just more to clutter up OUR house.

5.  Cathy says: If you could slide down a rainbow, what do you think you'd find on the other side?

Probably plain, old grass....  lol

Let's chat and get to know one another!


  1. I need to see Braveheart. Everyone says it's a great movie. Have a blessed week :O)

  2. I enjoyed Braveheart but I've never seen First Knight. I'm also not really a yard saler although I have friends who make me wish I were because they always share about these fabulous finds when they go :-)

  3. My husband would choose one of those two movies, too! He loves them!

  4. I never thought of having an extra pair of contacts in my purse. That's a great idea.

    I'm with you on the yard sales.

  5. extra pair of contacts is a great idea!

  6. I really liked your answer for the way to your heart. Have a great week!

  7. I have never seen either movie. I saw them advertising First Knight was on the night but didn't watch.

  8. Pretty sure that's what I'd find at the end of the rainbow too. LOL Not a fan of Braveheart. I got so mad at that movie. I mean, it was a fantastic movie. It just made me mad. Is that crazy? LOL

  9. I love Braveheart! FREEDOM!!!!!

  10. I really enjoyed using questions from our chat folks! Fun. Have a great week!

  11. I have never seen either of those movies. We answered the same thing on what would be at the end of the rainbow. :)

  12. i love your movie picks ... Braveheart - brings me to tears every time. why do they have to kill her? not cool. First Knight - i love Richard Gere & Sean Connery. hubba hubba. ( :

  13. My top two love languages are Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service. We can encourage each other and keep each other smiling! I've never seen Braveheart and I haven't even heard of First Knight - guess I don't get out much ;). Have a blessed week.


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