
Friday, March 22, 2013

Book Beginning and 56 ~ Love in the Balance ~ 3/22/13

Please join Rose City Reader and me every Friday to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author's name.


My Current Read:

Love in the Balance

"Love in the Balance" by Regina Jennings

The Book Beginning:

"The pew creaked as yet another sinner rose to unburden her troubled soul."

My Thoughts:

I can only imagine that someone is getting antsy!


The 56th Page:

"Prue chuckled low.  "You two make quite the pair.  Better catch her before a vagrant crosses her path and she beats him senseless.""

My Thoughts:

Hmm?  I don't really know what to think.  I guess I'll know more when I get there.

Happy Friday!


  1. That 56 makes her sounds pretty sassy! I really like the cover too.
    My 56

  2. Love the cover! This does sound interesting - is it bad that sometimes I want to beat someone senseless?

    Here's my Friday MeMe

  3. Now I'm intrigued....thanks for sharing and enjoy.


  4. Reading A Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund

    first line: Hans had stolen all the egg money... again.

    My thoughts, how could a husband do something like this when he knew bills needed to be paid and he should have been thinking of his wife and child then to do something so lowdown...

    Paula O(

  5. LOL I hope she gets him good!

    Love the cover too!

  6. I like the first Book Beginning the best. Don't know what to think of the second one.

  7. Hymn singing and violence against vagrants. Quite a story!

    Thanks for joining me on Book Beginnings!

    Rose City Reader


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