
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Valentine Blogging Party Gift Exchange 2013

HOSTED BY: CaseyNicoleLaurenAlycia, and Ashlee

I love participating in swaps!  This was a Valentine theme swap so it was really fun shopping for my partner. 

My partner was:

I was so excited to get my package in the mail.  I took it home, sat on my bed and waited a minute before opening it.  I just wanted to savor the moment ;)

Then I opened the package and here is what I found:

1.  Wilton's Petite Heart Pan which the girls and I will be trying out VERY soon!
2.  A really cute Valentine Dish Towel that is now hanging on my oven door.
3.  A Markings Premium Journal with a very pretty cover pattern.  (I LOVE STATIONARY!)

Dear Julie,

I love every single item.  Thank you so much!



  1. What a fun exchange. Your gifts received are wonderful. Now you can make some little heart cakes for Valentine's day?

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. The shawl pattern is from this link...
    It is so easy to do and you can easily talk (in my case to my mother) while working on it.

    Hugs from Holland ~

  2. This is a wonderful idea! I used to do Secret Pal stuff where I worked. I thin this is a great blogger idea!

  3. Such lovely gifts! This was an awesome bloggers party and I'm glad I "met" you and that you could participate!! Looks like you will be doing some fun Valentines baking with those gifts! =)

    ~Maggie (Sweet Peas and Lucky Honey)


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