
Friday, February 15, 2013

Tea Time ~ 2/15/13

Won't you come meet Alissa , me and the girls for a coffee date,
or in my case, hot chocolate with whipped cream or maybe a chai tea?

Hello, friends!  I hope you're having a good week and had a wonderful Valentine's Day.  How about some Tea Time chatting about things that made me smile this week :)
~The hubby got us tickets to a Valentine's Dinner.  It was so nice to go out to eat.  Just the two of us.  The food and company was great!

~We had our Agape Celebration last Saturday at Church.  Here is a picture of how the cookies turned out.  We had to switch it up from bars to round and then the girls decorated them.

~We also made Homemade Ice-Cream!  It was quite an adventure as it was the first time I had made it.  I've watched it being made but even that was when I was a little girl.  It was fabulous.  Store bought doesn't even compare!  I can't wait to make more :)

~Laken bought me Carnations at school.  She came home on Wednesday very excited and wanted to make sure to take $2 of her money to school yesterday so she could buy flowers.  She got off the bus and was so excited to give them to me.  They are proudly displayed on the counter.

~The weather has been beautiful!  We've had some snow here and there but the temps have been getting up in the 40's and for February that is wonderful!  In fact, I look forward to going out and taking a walk today.

How was your week?  What made you smile?

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  1. A lot of things made me smile this past week. AND just so ya know, this post made me smile! Have a wonderful week-end.

  2. This post also made me smile :) Love when kids are so excited to give you something like that - so sweet. Thank you so much for sharing joining in! Hope to see you next Friday!

  3. Isn't she so sweet to buy you flowers! Her thoughtfulness certainly made me smile.
    Decorating cookies is much fun!

  4. I must say those cookies look good!

  5. Those cookies look delicious! I want to come to your house for Valentine's Day!!


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