
Friday, February 1, 2013

Tea Time ~ 2/1/13

Won't you come meet Alissa , me and the girls for a coffee date,
or in my case, hot chocolate with whipped cream or maybe a chai tea?

Hello, friends!  I hope you're having a good week.

I seriously want to thank each and every one of you who prayed for me this week and left me encouraging messages.  I feel so much better!  I literally could feel the power of your prayers as soon as I put the request out there!  God is good!  I am so blessed to have such great friends, both in real life and in blogland.  You have no idea how important you are to me!

Now, for some Tea Time chatting:

~My cousin and his wife announced what gender the twins are!  BOTH BOYS!  I'm loving having my little nephew Dex, and can't wait to have two more to play with.  Doug and I have 2 girls so we both enjoy getting to play with a little rough and rowdy stinker and spoiling him rotten.  I'm already planning ways to spoil the twins from 3 hours away!

~I did some fun crocheting this week.  I made a couple twisty scarves, one of which my Mom already "scarfed" up.  hehe.  I had just tied off the yarn end and showed her the finished scarf and she said, "Make me one?"  So, I just gave her that one.  She was happy and it made me so happy to make something that I know will be enjoyed!  I didn't even get a picture of it.  Next time she is here, I'll have to have her pose for a picture.

~I made and had an appointment with a Christian Counselor this week.  He just happened to have a cancellation so I was able to get in quickly.  You can read some of points of Health Management that we talked about HERE.  It was very encouraging and insightful.

~The girls' report cards came this week.  Laken (Kindergarten) got all "O's".  Yay!  Kaylee (7th) got all  A+, A's, and one A-!  I am so proud of my girls :)

~Kaylee signed up for Junior High Softball.  I can't wait to watch the girls play.  I think Softball is my favorite sport to watch as a parent.  She's very excited and is already planning on hitting the ball out of the park!  That is what I call positive thinking!

~The weather has been CRAZY here in southern PA!  One day it is 60F and sunny and the next it is 16F and blowing snow.  But today is February 1st!  We made it through January!  Let's celebrate!

~Tomorrow is Ground Hog's Day.  I don't know if it is as big a deal other places but here in PA it is a pretty big deal.  Six year's ago, February 2nd became even more important to our family as our little Laken was born at 1:15pm.  Yes, my baby is almost 6 year old.  Unbelievable!  She loves to help bake her own cake and decorate it with different colors of icing that we mix from scratch and then color.  That's my girl!

Well, I think I might brave the cold and go get a pedicure!  I might even go get my back and neck adjusted too!  Such excitement....  lol

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. Happy birthday to your daughter. Hope you have a good weekend.

  2. Did you end up going and getting that much deserved pedicure and adjustment? Hope so!! Happy Birthday to your little one!

    1. I skipped the adjustment and went for a mani/pedi :) Thanks for asking!


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