
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Song On My Heart~ Strangely Dim by Francesca Battistelli

Amy, who hosted TSMSS, hasn't been on her blog for a few months.  We're praying that all is well with her and her family.  Until she comes back, Tania at Simply God's Girl, will be hosting Song on My Heart Weekend.  You can click the above graphic (which I LOVE) to go link up!


I heard this song for the first time this week.  The term "Strangely Dim" caught my attention as being part of a Scripture verse.  Now, I have my reason to buy the newest Francesca Battistelli CD.  I love the last one and listen to it all the time!

May your weekend be filled with the sound of beautiful music!


  1. this was new to me. I love her song about stuff. She has a unique style for sure. Seems like there are only 3 of us die hard TSMS folks :). I never did hear back from Amy after emailing her.

  2. I've been hearing this one on the radio several times during the last month. I love it! It's definitely got me wanting to buy the CD. Thanks for sharing! :)


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