
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 2/24/13

Would you like to linger on the simple things...then join me and many others in taking a little look into the day plans and thoughts of those who are focusing on of the everyday moments.  Click the button above to go the hosting blog.


Outside my window...  It is31F.  It got light so early today!

I am thankful...  The sunlight :)

In the kitchen...  we made homemade ice-cream last night.  Yummy!

I am wearing... Jeans, a dark turquoise shirt, a matching scarf and a gray sweater.

I am creating...   A "Sunny Blue Hawaii" shawl.

I am going...  to Church soon, then watch the Daytona 500 later in the afternoon and get my walk in.

I am wondering...  If we're going to make it to Church on time because even though I'm completely ready, everyone else is still puttering around.

I am reading...  "Heart in Hand" by Barbara Cameron.

Heart in Hand (Stitches in Time, #3)

I am hoping...  to have a lovely time of worship this morning.

I am looking forward to...  Getting back into watching racing.  KLOVE has a car that qualified!

I am learning...  to be confident in the discipline of my children.

I am pondering...  What project to work on next and if we'll get any etsy orders soon.

A favorite quote for today...  "Are you ready?"

One of my favorite things...  Family dinners.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Keeping up with the housework, going to the Chiropractor for a tune-up, getting some book read for upcoming reviews, walking at least 1 mile a day, staying on track with my Bible reading.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun meme! So did you make it to church on time? :)


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