
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Romance Is in the Air Giveaway Hop ~ Ends 2/14

This blog hop is hosted by

This hop is specifically for Young Adult or Clean Adult Romance books.  I try to only read Clean Adult Romance but I do have a few favorite authors that I sometimes have to skip over a few paragraphs.  (blush).

It wasn't hard for me to pick a book to giveaway for this hop:

Love Finds You in Lahaina Hawaii

"Love Finds You in Lahaina, Hawaii"
 by Bodie Thoene

To enter the giveaway:

*Mandatory-  Leave a comment telling me about your first love or crush.  Or tell me something special about your true love :)

*Extra-  Follow my blog and leave a second comment telling me that you do :)

The giveaway will run until 11:59pm EST, February 14, 2013.  The winner will be emailed on February 15th.

For more chances to win great bookishness,
check out these other giveaway hoppers :


  1. My first kiss was when I was 5 with a boy named Scott. Now, almost 40, we are still friends, live in the same city, and keep in contact through Facebook.


  2. I follow via gfc


  3. My first crush was one of my brother's friends. Talk about awkward.

    hg195 at yahoo dot com

  4. I follow as hg195 (GFC)

    hg195 at yahoo dot com

  5. Hi, I went from rural Ky with my Mom and sister to visit an older sister in Galveston Tx at the age of 14 met a guy and fell into puppy love, we wrote for a time but boys arent good with that kind of stuff so lost touch...
    Thanks for sharing your blog, comments and the books that you do
    Paula O(

  6. My husband is my true love. He is faithful to pray for me every morning. I credit that to my remission from MS. Thanks for the giveaway. msudawgtooATcomsouthDOTnet

  7. I follow your blog via GFC: Meghan Stith

  8. My hubby is my true love and soul mate. He is a good guy.

  9. I knew I would marry my husband when I asked him why he liked me and he didn't say it was because I was pretty. He said he liked me because I made him laugh. :)


  10. I married my first and only love.
    Theresa N

  11. My husband is my true love. He loves me unconditionally and is my best friend. We built our friendship before we were romantically involved, and I love that the friendship is our foundation. michelle (at) momscholar (dot) net

  12. I follow through GFC - Michelle Hodge - michelle (at) momscholar (dot) net


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