
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Read, Crochet, Repeat ~ 2/27/13

My current read and project are:

I'm reading "Shattered" by Dani Pettrey.  I'm reading it as part of a Litfuse blog tour.  My review will be up on 3/7.  I am loving this book.  I love the main characters and the suspense and mystery they are trying to solve.  I had to make myself close the book and go to bed last night.  I hope to finish it up today.

My current project is twisty scarf in Red Heart "Primary".  I've made a few shawls lately and decided to give that a break and work on a scarf.  I love how there are so many colors throughout this yarn and seeing them change as I crochet.

I read.  I crocheted.  Now, to repeat.

Have a great day!


  1. I hope you are doing well! You look busy!

  2. I love books that keep your attention..I really like the colors in your yarn..:)

  3. The scarf looks lovely!

  4. Very bright and colourful yarn - it's brightened my day :)


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