
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hodgepodge ~ 2/13/13

Joyce's Hodgepodgey Questions:

1. This week marks the beginning of Lent...will you be giving something up or adding anything to your life during this season of the year?

We don't practice lent.

2. The day before Lent is Shrove Tuesday... tradition states you eat pancakes on this day. In some parts of the world Shrove Tuesday is actually known as 'pancake day'. How do you like your pancakes? Or don't you?

I like my pancakes with butter and syrup and a fried egg or two on top.

3. I'm sure there are many, but what's one love song you really love?

"God Gave Me You" by Blake Shelton or Dave Barnes

4. What are some things you do to let others know you love them?

I love to give hugs and kisses!

5., pink, or do you prefer another color? Can you recall the last time someone gave you flowers? Given your choice would you like to open the door and see a dozen red roses, a dozen purple tulips, or a dozen pink peonies?

I would like to see a dozen roses on the other side of the door.  I prefer peach.

6. President's Day will be celebrated in America next Monday. Does US Presidential history and trivia interest you? Many Presidential homes are open to the public and offer guided tours...Monticello (Jefferson's home), Mount Vernon (Washington's home), Montpelier (James Madison's home), Hyde Park (FD Roosevelt's home) and The White House (home to the sitting President) to name just a few. Of those listed which would you be most interested in touring? Why?

I love anything to do with history!  I would like to tour the White House, Mount Vernon, and Monticello.

7. Are you good at keeping secrets?

If it is something really important I am.  If it is just something fun, I have a hard time but do manage :)

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Let's get hodgepodgey!


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