
Monday, February 4, 2013

Grace Laced ~ My Groundhog Baby ~ 2/4/13

GraceLaced Mondays


Saturday was Groundhog Day.  It was also my beautiful baby's 6th birthday.  Laken did NOT see her shadow :)  In fact it was broad daylight when she woke up.  Her birthday and a Saturday deserve a little sleeping in!  She and her sister had a "sleepover" in the family room Friday night so this shows her sleeping on the couch. She does have a bed!  lol

I don't have to worry about buying a fancy cake for Laken.  She LOVES to make her own birthday cake.  I love that she loves to mix and bake and decorate her cake.

She is standing on one of her many stools.  She likes to be right in the action so they are spread all throughout the house.  She is getting to be a pro with the mixer.

I transferred the batter from the bowl into the cake pan and Laken did the rest of the spreading.  I think she would have been content to stand there for 20 minutes just spreading the batter around!

Here is the finished cake.  I forgot to take a picture of her mixing the icing.  We used one of the new packets of icing flavor that can be bought in the baking section of the market.  We used "Cotton Candy" and it was quite yummy.  We also have to ALWAYS have sparkles or decorate the cake in someway.

Laken loved the twisty candles, but I thought they were difficult to get to stand upright in the cake.  Maybe I was doing it wrong.

And then....

Birthday trip to "Toys R Us"!  She had Birthday money and she was ready to spend it.  And she did.  In 20 minutes flat!  I should have gotten a picture of what she bought but it consisted of Pet Shops, princesses, Novi Stars, a huge fluffy puppy and some other odds and ends.

So, my Little Groundhog had a great Birthday weekend.  Actually, the whole family did.

I can't ask for more than that!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day, and sleepovers are always fun. My girls loved to bake too.Clean-up not so much! Enjoy because before you know middle child turned 20 this morning!


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