
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Getting to Know You: Me :)

I'm starting a new "Getting to Know You" feature on my blog.  I thought I would start with me :)

Me and Laken

Name:  Colletta Kay Miller
Home State:  Pennsylvania
State of Residence:  Pennsylvania
Height:  5'2"
Age:  34
Birthday:  March 24th
Hair Color:  Brown
Eye Color:  Blue-Green

Home life (Family, pets, etc.):  I've been married to my husband, Doug, for 13 years.  We have two daughters, Kaylee (11) and Laken (6).  We live in a ranch-style house in our hometown.  We have 2 dogs.  Lilah is a Black Lab and Jasmine is a York-a-Pom.  We also have a bird and 3 rabbits.  My Mom is one of my very best friends and I see her almost everyday.  She and my Dad are very present in our lives.  I have 1 brother, Dan, who is 18 months older than me.  He lived just across town.  We're also very active in our Church.  I strive to be pleasing in God's sight.

Occupation:  I am a stay-at-home-wife/mom.  I do have an etsy shop to try to make some extra spending money but it has been a bit slow this month.
Hobbies that you enjoy:  I enjoy crocheting, sewing, baking, cooking, reading and walking.  I also love to watch my daughter play sports.  Softball season will be starting soon!

Top three favorite TV shows:  Castle, NCIS, Bones
Favorite authors: Dani Pettrey, DiAnn Mills, Susan May Warren, Denise Hunter, etc, etc, etc.
Favorite book:  Other than the Bible, Pride and Prejudice or Little Women
Favorite food:  Pizza
Go-to beverage of choice:  Ovaltine, Sunny D, and Dr. Pepper.
Favorite Outfit:  Comfy pants, with a favorite t-shirt.
Favorite Accessory:   My pearl necklace that my hubby got for me at Epcot-Japan.  I got to pick out the oyster and be surprised at the pearl!  So fun!

What's your blog/website(s)?  Well, you're obviously at my blog.  My etsy site is:

Why do you blog/write? What do you hope to accomplish with blogging/writing?  Blogging gives me a creative outlet and also helps me to find a community to socialize with.  It can be a bit hard to find community when being a SAHW-M.  It also helps me with my anxiety/depression to have a daily routine and socialize as well as being a journal of sorts.

What's the latest goings-on that you would want others to know about?  I always have a book giveaway going.  You can see my current giveaways on the top sidebar.  Please feel free to enter.  I've also added quite a few new items to my etsy shop.  Scarves, shawls, aprons etc, etc, etc,.

Any words of encouragement or wisdom to impart?  

Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.  James 1:12

Where can readers connect with you online?

Blog:  Here  lol
Etsy shop:


Thanks so much for getting to know me today!

If you would like to be featured in one of my weekly Getting to Know You posts, please email me at collettaskitchensink [at] yahoo [dot] com .  Please use the subject heading: "Getting to Know You".

Linking to "Desire to Inspire" at


  1. Thanks for thinking of me...I'm happy to participate if you want to send me the questions. Enjoy your day!

    ps-I love my pearls too : )

  2. Very nice, Colletta.

    Great getting to know you better.

    THANKS for inviting me as one of your guests. I sent you my info.

    Take care.

    Silver's Reviews

  3. Well it was nice getting to know you! I'll participate too. Emailing you now! I'm hosting my Homemaking Linkup Weekend and would love to have you join, if you'd like!

    Have a great day!
    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  4. What a great idea for a blog segment! Thanks for letting us get to know you.


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