
Friday, February 8, 2013

Crocheting the Miles ~ 2/8/13

Crocheting a one row for every 3 miles (5K) walked to make a "Life-ghan" with Cris.

Total Miles This Week:  10
Total Miles in 2013:  34

Rows allowed:  11
Rows completed: 11

If you remember, I only had nine colors in my basket last week.  As I was walking one day, I started thinking that it would be cool if I used 10 colors.  That would mean that every repeat is 30 miles and would make it easier to track the amount of miles I walked.  So, after a trip to the yarn store, I'm now using 10 colors.

I is easy to see that I've walked at least 33 miles.  I need 2 more miles in order to add another row.  I am finding it to be an amazing motivator now that I'm over being sick!

Close-up :)



Getting started today :)  Hopefully!
2/1/13-2/7/13 = 10 miles

Total:  10/60


Friday Weigh-In

1st Goal = T - 10 lbs

12/28/12 = Weighed in for starting weight.  Felt like crawling back under the covers!
1/4/13 = -2.0 
1/11/13 = +0.2
1/18/13 = -2.0
1/24/13 = 0
2/1/13 = +2.0 (argh!)
2/8/13 = -0.8

Lost Toward 1st Goal: 2.6 lbs
Total Lost:  2.6 lbs



  1. I love the idea of your coming up with a new crochet idea while out doing your walk. LOVE it - really merges the two: crafting and health. I do think it would give you a better visual, a quick reference, as to the distance on changing to 10 colors.

    Keep up the great work!

  2. What a unique idea! Love it! Would you mind helping me spread the word about Fitness Friday and using the FF button in your post or on your sidebar? Thanks so much!


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