
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Book Review and Giveaway ~ Unbreakable by Nancy Mehl ~ 5/5~ Kindle Fire Giveaway

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I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review as part of a Litfuse Publicity Blog Tour.  To see more about the book, author, and other reviews please click HERE.


Title:  "Unbreakable"
Series:  Road to Kingdom Book #2
Author:  Nancy Mehl
Publisher:  Bethany House
Publication Date:  2/1/13
Pages:  352
Buy From Amazon:  HERE

Book Description:

Gentle and unassuming Hope Kauffman has never been one to question or try to make changes. She quietly helps her father run Kingdom Quilts and has agreed to the betrothal her father arranged for her with the devout but shy Ebbie Miller. 

Despite Hope's and other Kingdom residents' attempts to maintain the status quo, changes have already begun to stir in the small Mennonite town. The handsome and charismatic Jonathon Wiese is the leader of the move to reform, and when one of Kingdom's own is threatened by a mysterious outsider, Jonathon is one of the first to push for the town to arm itself. Hope's fiance, Ebbie, is at the forefront of those demanding the town stay true to its traditions of nonviolence. 

When strange incidents around town result in outright attacks on several townspeople, Hope can't help but question what she's always been taught. As the town that's always stood so strong together is torn apart at the seams, Hope is caught between opposing sides, both represented by those she has come to care for. With tensions high and lives endangered by an unknown threat, Hope fears Kingdom can never survive in one piece.

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

I made sure to read Book #1 of this series, Inescapable, so that I would have the full background and effect while reading this book.  I'm so glad I did, because there was so much that I understood that I might not have if I hadn't read the first book.  I recommend that you do.

This book was FULL of suspense.  Nancy Mehl has a serious talent for grabbing your attention and drawing you in.  I honestly did not have the mystery figured out.  I enjoyed that so much.  I really don't like when the mysteries are so obvious that I have them solved by half-way through the book.

Excellent read!

A Brief Excerpt:
I turned to stare at him.  "Why would God want us to be defenseless?  Like lambs led to the slaughter?"
 Page 129

The Cover:

This cover "covers" a lot of the aspects of this story.  I love that I had a face to put with Hope.  I also like how this series has a split cover.  It is really eye-catching.

Other Notes:

~I think you will enjoy this book more if you read the first book of the series beforehand.

~This book contains fabric and quilts!

~I'm not sure when the next book comes out, but it will be on my wishlist :)




Remember to enter the Kindle giveaway that ends on 3/4/13!

Unbreakable Kindle Fire Giveaway


On to the next book,


  1. Thank you so much for participating in Show Some Love Fridays! I love Amish Fiction and this looks like a keeper...another one to add to my list. And, I'm a fan of I'm off to take a peek of your shop as well:)
    Have a great weekend~

  2. Wow, that sounds different. I've never read Amish Fiction before. I have watched videos over the Amish, but not a book, and it actually sounds exciting. Cool!:)

  3. Hi, there! I found your review through Kim's great new hop, "Show Some Love Friday". I love the synopsis for this book, and have already placed it and "Inescapable" on my Amazon wish list. They both sound like great reads! I hope to be able to get and read them some time this year, if possible! Thanks for the review with the extra "goodies"! :)


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