
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

13 in 2013 ~ Tackle the Miles Virtual 5K ~ 2/5/13

As I've mentioned before, the perimeter of my neighborhood is 1 mile which makes it very convenient for me to know how far I've walked.

My original plan for the week was to walk 2 laps today, 1 lap tomorrow and walk 3 laps for my Tackle the Miles 5K on Thursday.  Thursday is supposed to be the nicest day this week.  Meaning, it is supposed to get up to 36F and be partly cloudy.  Today was 31F and occasional snow.

With my plan in place, I suited up and started out on my 2 laps.  After I started walking, I began to play around with the idea of getting my 5K in today rather than Thursday.  I would already by doing 2 laps.  I could just add another one on and have 5K #3 in 2013 in the books.

I also have a doctor's appt. on Thursday and while I'm in the area I'll probably run some errands as well.  That would make me have to squeeze in the 5k not to mention the fact that I probably would feel like doing it at that point.  That would only leave Friday to get the "Tackle the Miles" in.  Too much stress!

I finally decided that I would decide after I finished my 2 laps.  Yes, I'm very decisive!

At about 1.5 laps, I knew I was going to go for it.  As I got back to my house, I didn't even look at it.  I just kept trucking around the corner and into the 3rd lap.

I occupied myself with drafting this post in my head.  A dictophone would have been handy because this isn't turning out very much like my head-draft!  When I had finished my draft, I just kept thinking about how good it would feel to have #3 in the books.  I also really wanted to be able to add another row to my "Life-ghan".

And I made it!

I don't have an official time because I didn't start out with a 5K in mind so I didn't pay close attention to the clock.  An approximate time is around 1:10.

I also didn't get a picture :(  The hubby is sleeping (on 3rd shift) and I just can not do self-pics!

I think I might try to find a football key chain and make myself a "Tackle the Miles" medal to hand on my cork board with my bib.  I'll let you know how it turns out :)


1 comment:

  1. WAY TO GO! How exciting to finish another 5K - and you didn't even plan on it :P I love the idea of making yourself a medal!


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