
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Read, Crochet, Repeat ~ 1/30/13

My current read and project are:

I started reading "Love is a Four-Legged Word" by Kandy Shepherd a few days ago and I'll admit that I haven't gotten very far yet.  I usually read right before bed but, lately, by 9pm I'm ready for lights out!  Once I get the girls to bed, I'm done in for the day.  I probably could have read a while last night.  I didn't fall asleep right away and ended tossing and turning for about an hour.

So, so far in the book, Brutus the dog, has inherited his master's multi-millions and Madeline is made Brutus's guardian with control of the money.  The executor and lawyer, Tom, first thoughts are that Madeline tricked her land-lord into leaving her the money.  They have just met for the reading of the will and pretty much have an instant attraction that neither would be willing to admit.  I look forward to reading more.  If I can stay awake long enough!

My current project is a twisty scarf.  I'm just kinda winging it and making it up as I go.

I'm using Red Heart Super Saver in "Heartfelt".  I love how the variegated yarn plays so well with the twisting of the scarf.  I also have one finished in "Banana Berry" that turned out to be very pretty.

I also picked out my colors and chose a pattern for my Life-ghan.  I'll post more about that on "Crocheting the Miles" this Friday.

I read.  I crocheted.  Now, to repeat.

Have a great day!


  1. Oh goodness, is a Life-ghan anything like a never-ending blanket? lol I'll be interested to hear more about it.

    The book sounds fun. I like fun stories like cozy mysteries to read in bed.

  2. ooh that is a cute twisty scarf, I love it!!! Have a creative wednesday xx

  3. Nothing like letting those creative juices flow -- happy creating!

  4. When I first saw the picture I thought: "What?! Is she crocheting a ginormous dog-sweater?"
    Then I realized that's a book, not a pattern cover...
    The yarn is really perfect for a twisty scarf - have fun!

  5. This sounds like a good plan! Enjoy the creating and the relaxing.

  6. I agree, perfect yarn for a twisty scarf! I like the brightness of the colors!

    1. I picked this color out specifically so I create with something bright and colorful!


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