
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Printed Books Giveaway Hop ~ Ends 2/8

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This hop is to celebrate the printed book in an age where e-book are becoming more and more popular.  I, for one, enjoy holding a book in my hands rather than an e-reader.  I just like to turn the pages one by one and seeing the cover each time I pick the book up.

For this hop I will be giving away a copy of:

The Seeker (Shaker Series, #3)

"The Seeker"
 by Ann H. Gabhart

To enter the giveaway:

*Mandatory-  Leave a comment telling me your thoughts on printed books versus e-books.  Do you prefer one over the other or read an equal amount?  What type of e-reader do you have?

*Extra-  Follow my blog and leave a second comment telling me that you do :)

The giveaway will run until 11:59pm EST, February 1, 2013.  The winner will be emailed on February 8th.

For more chances to win great bookishness,
check out these other giveaway hoppers :


  1. Hmmmm which do I prefer. I have to say that I prefer both.... I like holding a book in my hand and that "new book smell" but I also really appreciate the convenience my reader offers me and that I can have LOTS more books on my reader. So... when I'm at home and cuddling up with a good book - its a paper book. When I'm working out, its my reader ... reading back to me!

    1. OH and I have a Kindle 3G :) I also have the Kindle reader app on my android tablet so I can look at magazines and stuff like that. I have the nook reader app on my tablet but I must say - I've never used it.

  2. Oh, and I follow you. I subscribe to you in my google reader feed :)

  3. Thanks for the Hop! I personally prefer printed. I love my Kindle for general reading but as a reviewer, I prefer printed. Rarely do I accept ebooks for review.

    Having the physical copy allows me to keep a 'visual' on my TRB, my completed, reviewed, and different 'stacks' that I need to get to. Each new book is also a little momenta for working with that specific author or publisher.

    Last but not least, another reason I prefer a hard copy is because I know that if an author or publisher takes the time to send me a physical copy- going to the post office, ordering the book, etc- I know that they truly value my opinion and that I was not just another Bcc email request.

    I know I miss out on a lot of great books but this is just one of the small ways I manage to filter out so many requests with out going in sane.


  4. Thanks for the 2nd chance to enter... I'm following as Stephanie Manning

  5. For a long time, I preferred print books. I still like print books sometimes, but now that I'm a full-time student and am on the run a lot, I really love ebooks because I can pull out my Kindle and read for a few minutes at a time and it doesn't take up as much room in my purse or backpack or hands as a print book does. Thanks for the giveaway! michelle (at) momscholar (dot) net

  6. I follow by GFC - michelle hodge - michelle (at) momscholar (dot) net

  7. I definitely prefer print books. I like seeing them pile up. It gives me a sense of accomplishment.
    I have an iPod Touch to use as an e-reader.

    I follow via GFC: Meghan Stith

  8. I follow via GFC: Meghan Stith

    didn't realize we had to leave a second comment until I already left the first! Sorry!

  9. Printed = the smell and feel of adventure.

    Electronic = burning eyes and a cramping scroll finger. Not to mention words that can be taken away if Amazon so pleases.

    Books happily collect dust until I wish to read them again, and again, and again.

  10. I prefer print books. I love the way they look in my bookcase and I can flip through the pages and decide which one I want to read again.

  11. I prefer printed books because I prefer to pass my favorites around amongst my friends, but due to my two small children I read mostly on my iPad, which travels with me everywhere and serves as my calendar, watch, address book and last-ditch babysitter as well...

  12. i prefer physical books. Ereaders are great travel, but they just aren't the same as a real book.
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  13. I follow your blog as Jenn via GFC

  14. I prefer physical books. ebooks, while convenient, just cannot replace holding an actual book. And I love the way a full bookcase looks.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. I follow via email shan4178 at comcast dot net

  16. I prefer print but I love the amount of books my kindle can hold but that in no way means I don't buy and read print books.

    Thanks for the chance!

    GFC Follower - Mary @SweepingMe

  17. I like both for different reasons. There is nothing that compare to the feel and scent of a print book in your hands. Plus I love to thumb through a book to reread my favorite scenes. But with ebooks, you can literally have your entire library in the palm of your hands. Ebooks also give you the privacy to read anything anytime.

  18. Although I own a Nook and enjoy the convenience, I still prefer print books. I think it's because my love of reading began so early in childhood, and I have so many happy memories of reading in the porch swing or lying on the beach with my favorite novel in the summer, and curling up with a good book on "snow days" in the winter. E-readers will never replicate that feeling for me. Therefore, I would have to say that I read at least twice as much in print as I do on the Nook.

  19. Folling by email -

  20. I prefer print books for reviews so it is easier to keep track.
    I HAVE A kindle fire
    mrsbrinius at comcast dot net

  21. i follow via gfc vicky brinius
    mrsbrinius at comcast dot net

  22. I like both print books and eBooks. However, i read a lot more with my eReader. (I have both a Nook and a Kindle. I like my Nook a lot more than the Kindle.) I can read and do so many more things at the same time with the eReader. (For instance, I fold laundry and read at the same time. I also feed the baby her bottle and read. That would be hard - if not impossible- to do with a printed book.)

  23. I follow your blog via GFC. The Every Free Chance Reader.


  24. I love collecting printed books and looking and reading them.

  25. LOVE Ann Gabheart! Her Shaker books are so fun. I only read printed books.

  26. I love both printed and ebooks. Sometimes it will just depend on my mood and I will really want to read one or the other, sometimes it can be a matter of price (if I really, really, really want to read something but can't afford it in one format I will get it in the other if it's cheaper, and sometimes it's cheaper in printed over ebook or the other way around!). I generally seem to have a fairly equal mix of both. However, if I find a favorite, I will make sure to get it in a print copy which might mean I do technically lean that way a little bit. I have a kindlefire that I got just this past Decemeber and I really am enjoying it!

    Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway!

    Shelly Hammond

  27. Hello! THank you for the giveaway. I follow you through email ( and also GFC (Shelly Hammond). Thanks again!

    Shelly Hammond

  28. I like the ease and convenience of ebooks, because I can just use my iphone and have them with me wherever I go, but I love printed books for the smell and the feel and the escape, and most of all because it is the best way to model reading to my children to get them to pick up a book and "read" even at a very young age.
    heididaily at gmail dot com

  29. I follow via gfc Heidi Daily
    heididaily at gmail dot com

  30. I much prefer a print book. This could be due in part to the only e-reader I have being my pc. However, for now I prefer print.

  31. Follow as Renee G on GFC

  32. I prefer print books, I like to hold them, turn pages, use bookmarks. I have a lot of ebooks that I read on my computer. I don't have an e-reader,yet. cheryllynne(at)rocketmail(dot)com

  33. I follow by GFC/cheryllynne cheryllynne(at)rocketmail(dot)com

  34. I prefer printed since I do not have an E Reader yet. Even if I had one , I think I would prefer printed. The feel of a book in your hands, the smell of paper and ink and if it is a used book, wondering about all the folks who had it in their hands before you. 2cs2js4ms at g mail dot com

  35. I like them equally well for different reasons. I like ebooks because you can carry 1000s on one small device and they are less expensive than a hardback book when a new book comes out. I like a printed book because I like the feel and they are easier to trade to my friends when I am through with them. I have a kindle and it is my favorite ereader. I have also owned a nook and a sony ereader.

    Thank you for the giveaway.


    abinormyl aT gmail DOT com

  36. Combo, it depends… (own a kindle)
    Love my paperbound books. Nothing like turning pages, holding a real book. Can get cheaper books on sale, @ second-hand bookstore-as well as older books there too- & nothing beats $1 hardback or $0.50 paperback books at Goodwill or Salvation Army stores.
    But I’m running out of room in my house, so ebooks are great. Love how easy it is to put my kindle in my purse & have several books in one small space. Many ebooks are cheaper than their paperbound versions. (But the famous authors often cost full price. Would love to have that explained to me.)
    The one thing better than second-hand bookstore- FREE books!! Either publisher specials or things like amazon deals where first released books are free are just great. I won’t even admit to how many of those I have on my kindle account, lol.
    So I will never be all one type of reader…


  37. I'm a GFC follower- Vicky CK


  38. I prefer printed; I love the smell and the feel of the pages.

  39. I totally prefer printed. I love the feel of a book in my hand. They also bring back good memories of when i was little going to the library or bookstores with my mom and picking out books together. Thanks for the giveaway!

  40. I follow on gfc-vampedchik

  41. Still love holding a book in my hands, and seeing it on my bookshelf!

    dreammie_angel at yahoo dot com

  42. I follow via GFC Celina K

    dreammie_angel at yahoo dot com

  43. I love having a book physically in my hands!

  44. I like both. I love the feel and smell of printed books. But, I also love the convenience of eBooks.


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