
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Crocheting the Miles ~ Update 2 ~ 1/26/13

Crocheting a one row for every 3 miles (5K) walked to make a "Life-ghan" with Cris.


Total Miles This Week:  0  :(
Total Miles in 2013:  17

Rows allowed:  5
Rows completed: 0

I picked out my yarn!  I think.  I might still change my mind.  I'll post pics soon.


Friday Weigh-In

1st Goal = T - 10 lbs

12/28/12 = Weighed in for starting weight.  Felt like crawling back under the covers!
1/4/13 = -2.0 
1/11/13 = +0.2
1/18/13 = -2.0
1/24/13 = 0

Lost Toward 1st Goal: 3.8 lbs
Total Lost:  3.8 lbs



  1. Good luck on your weight loss. I have been working since last August and have only lost 10. I am still working on it and know how hard it can be.

  2. Congrats on the 3.8 lost AND picking out your yarn!!! I think this is a GREAT combination of crafting and health - walking is wonderful for your health and a 5K is quite a distance! hehehe So every time you look at your ghan, you will see ALL THOSE MILES... all those miles YOU conquered.

    I'm so excited for you!


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