
Friday, January 4, 2013

Coffee Date ~ Vlogging Equipment? ~ 1/4/13

Won't you come meet Alissa (above), me and the girls for a coffee date,
or in my case, hot chocolate with whipped cream or maybe a chai tea?

Hello, everyone!  I hope you're having a good week.

~Today I'm having hot chocolate with marshmallows :)  I just got in from walking and now I need to warm up.  Here is my "Hot Chocolate Mug", because when it comes to hot chocolate the mug can never be too big!

~I am feeling SO much better than last week.  I finally broke down and called the dr. to get an antibiotic.  I am so thankful to no longer feel like someone is jamming a pointy stick in my sinuses.  Not fun!

~I hope that everyone had a wonderful New Year's Eve and Day.  Did you get a kiss at midnight?  Did you grab your kids and give them a big hug?  I've always heard that whatever you are doing at  midnight on New Year's is what your year will be filled with.  I pray your year is fill with goodness and love.

~I "kinda" wish I could vlog along with some of you.  That would be a major step out of my comfort zone!  I hate being in pictures or videos.  I just don't like seeing myself, but I have purposed to overcome that insecurity.  I'm "planning" on joining in on WIWW at the Pleated Poppy.  If I don't chicken out by next Wednesday.  As part of my journey to health and fitness, I've decided that I need to except myself as I am at any point in my life and stop putting everything off until "someday".  And I need to get out of these sweats and comfy clothes and actually do more than just pull my hair back!

~So if I were to start vlogging, what equipment would I need?  I have no idea where to even start.  Any advice is much appreciated :)

~Some notables from the week:  I walked my first 5K of the year; I finished my first book of the year; I lost 2 lbs this week; I am on track with my Bible reading plan; Laken has been sleeping in her bed and we're getting back into our normal school/work schedule after the holidays.

So, how was your week?


  1. Congrats on finishing the 5K! Good for you! WIWW is super fun. I don't participate every week, but usually a couple times a month and it is really neat to link up and get inspiration and also get some comments. Can't wait to see yours this week!!

  2. Girl...a vlog is out of my comfort zone too!! I'm afraid of judgement which is something I'm working on. I so wish I had that "I don't care what others think" mantra but...I don't. Kuddos for your achievements. Can't wait to see how your week goes. Cups up!!

  3. Hey There! I am swinging by from Coffee Date AND I am your 1000th GCF... Congrats Girl!


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