
Thursday, December 13, 2012

TT ~ A Wedding Story ~ 12/13/12

THIS WEEK’S topic is:

A Wedding Story.

I'm going to be going an unusual route with the topic for this week.  I'm not going to tell you about a wedding I've been to or a story I've been told about a wedding.  Instead I'd like to talk about a wedding(s) yet to come.

As the mother of two girls, I sometimes wonder about their future.  What will their teen years be like?  Will we stay close or will they rebel?  What will they choose as a profession?  Will they move away or live close by?

Among those questions are:  Who will they marry?

I know that God has their future spouses already picked out for them.  I know that He has a wonderful plan for them.  But what heartaches and challenges will they face along the way?

How will I feel when the day comes that one of them tells me they are getting married?  Hopefully, I'll like the guy and be joyful.  But I still imagine that I'll be sentimental and a bit sad.

Songs like "Butterfly Kisses", "Cinderella" and "I Loved Her First" always choke me up.  Thinking of either of my baby girls dancing the Father/Daughter Dance with their daddy is just so overwhelming.

Of course, they are only 11 and 5.  That does give me some time.

I have a feeling that it won't matter what age they are when they marry.  I'll still feel that sense of loss.  The loss of their childhood and our little family unit.

Maybe by that time, I'll be so ready for some grandbabies that I'll be shouting with joy and rejoicing!

Either way, I'm going to try to enjoy the here and now.  I'm going to strive to be present in the day-to-day life as we live and grow together.

Then one day, Lord willing, we'll have some good wedding stories to tell.

Next week's topic:
Reality TV.


  1. You made me cry. I think about when my son will start to date, what kind of person will he choose? I hope a wonderful one.

    here's to the here and now!

  2. I've thought about that a lot. I have two girls and a boy (11, 9, & 3), and the thought of them getting married makes the fact that they are no longer my babies way too official.
    I just hope that when/if they decide to marry, that they choose someone they love deeply and want to spend their life with.


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