
Monday, December 31, 2012

Listicles ~ 2012 ~ 12/31/12

I'm going rogue with my listicle today.  I feel like such a rebel!  lol

"Top 10 of 2012"

1.  Can you say "Disney World"!?!?!

2.  Dexter Michael was born :)

3.  We found out my cousin is having TWINS!  In March!  Could be on my birthday!

4.  Laken started Kindergarten and Kaylee started Jr. High.

5.  We saw my aunt and cousins who live in Florida for the first time in 6 years.

Nikki, Heather, Aunt Mary

6.  My Mom and the girls saw the Ocean for the first time!

7.  Kaylee got baptized!

8.  I've gained around 600 new followers of my blog!  Amazing!

9.  We added tons of new items to the Etsy shop and had a great year of sales!

10.  I discovered Listicles!


Happy Monday!


  1. I'm an avid list maker! I can see why the things on your list made the top 10 :)

  2. TWINS!!! How exciting! You've had a marvelous year! I wish you that and so much more for 2013!

  3. #10 is my favorite. lol. j/k.

    Sounds like it was a great year! Happy 2013!!

  4. A super fabulous recap! May your worst day of 2013 be better than your best day of 2012.

  5. Great recap of 2012!!! Hope 2013 is even better!

  6. This is so awesome. Best year ever :) love the photos. Happy 2013!


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