
Friday, December 28, 2012

Feature and Follow ~ One Book? ~ 12/28/12



Q: What book do you think everyone should read if you could gift the entire population with one book?

I hope there are a lot of people who their first thought would be the Bible.  The Bible is definitely the book I would like to gift the entire population with.  The problem would be in getting them to actually read it.  Which is so much not a laughing matter.

Some other honorable mentions.

~The Diary of Anne Frank
~Little Women
~Pride and Prejudice

Have a great day!


  1. I have Anne Frank and I'm going to read it sometime and also Pride & Prejudice, I am dying to read it! I'll borrow it from my fellow blogger Janhvi who has a copy! ;) I'll have to check out Little Women though. Great picks!

    New follower here! :)

    The Readdicts Feature & Follow Friday

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  2. Some classics there!

    Here's my answer

    I'm a new follower:) Follow back?

  3. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book ever! I can't ever read it enough, or read enough retellings. :)

    I've never read Little Women. I know, it's crazy. I really should just sit myself down and read it though. I'm sure I would love it.

  4. I really need to read the diary of Anne Frank! My FF: Hardcore Heroines

  5. Very classic choices. My husbad would appreciate this. His says I do not read enough of the classics. New follower PageGirlsPageofBookReviews

  6. The Diary of Anne Frank really touched me when I was young and had to read it in school!

    I'm following via GFC, you can find my FF post at (un)Conventional Bookviews.

    have a wonderful weekend.

  7. I've only read Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, but hopefully I can read Pride and Prejudice soon! Great choices :)

    Here's my FF!

  8. Hi ..
    Just stopping by for the feature and follow friday hop..
    I would have to say either "The NoteBook" or "Message In A Bottle" by Nicholas Sparks
    I love them both and could read and watch them over and over a zillion times and never get bored! All his books are awesome reads!!

    Following you now, so feel free to follow me as well at the link below. :-)

    BookShelves Of Dreams


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