
Friday, December 21, 2012

Book Review Lite ~ Raider's Heart by Marcia Gruver

Raider's Heart

*Book received from *

For book description and other information about the book, please click on the picture to go to the Goodreads page.

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

This book starts out in a very interesting and intriguing way.  The mystery of a magic lamp, a man lost in sorrow and a unspoken of death unfolds throughout the book.

The unique setting was in the swamps of North Carolina not long after the Civil War.  It was very interesting to read about the life of the people who called the swamp their home.

I was pleasantly surprised to find a fairly large section of the book takes place at Christmas-time.  The description of decorating the small cabin in the swamp with pine and holly and making homemade decorations out of newspaper really helped me get into the Christmas spirit.

This is the first book of the Backwoods Brides series.  I already have book 2 on my shelf and look forward to reading it very soon.

I'm also giving this book away as part of the "Mid-Winter's Eve Giveaway Hop" which ends on 12/27/12.  The button to the post where you must enter is on my sidebar.  If not there, the giveaway has ended.



On to the next book,

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