
Friday, November 2, 2012

What's New? ~ 11/2/12

Won't you come meet Alissa (above), me and the girls for a coffee date,
or in my case, hot chocolate with whipped cream or maybe a chai tea?

Here's what's new with me this week:

...It was the best of weeks.  It was the worst of weeks.  Seriously.  If we were actually meeting up I would tell you everything so that it would help me process so I want to do that here also.  I'll get the "worst" out of the way first so I can focus on the "best".

...Monday night our little section of our little town had mandatory evacuation due to possible major flooding.  My street isn't called River Drive for nothing!  It was about 10pm and the girls and I were already settling in for the night.  Of course, Doug was working second shift and not here!  Then, the phone started going crazy and the ambulance was riding all over the neighborhood announcing that there was a mandatory evacuation.  I threw some clothes on myself and the girls and hit the road to my Mom and Dad's house up in the hills and called the hubby at work to tell him to meet us there.  Quite nerve wracking but, Thank God, the levee held the waters back and there was no flooding.

...I would also let you know that I've been very upset for the past few days.  One of my cousins suddenly and unexpectedly passed away on Wednesday.   He was only 26.  I remember holding his little fingers and helping him walk when he was just a baby.  I can't say that I was close to him after we got older, but it is still so very upsetting.  As a mom, my heart just breaks for my Aunt and Uncle.  So, I've been struggling a bit this week.

...Now, to lighten things up.  Did you notice my new header?  The lovely Sinead at Sinead in the Sun made it for me.  What do you think?

...I started 30 Days of Gratitude yesterday.  If you'd like to join in, it would be quite easy to catch up at this point.

...We added some new products to the shop AGAIN this week!  We are on a roll :)  My Shop widgit is on the sidebar.  We have all sizes between Newborn and 12 years and can even make an adult size if requested :)




..And because I promised last week to share with you some pictures from the costume parade, Kaylee's Jr-Sr High Dance and Trick-or-Treating, here you go:

My Laken is the little Pink Kitty.

Kaylee before the dance.  She had me straighten her hair.  I don't know if the hubby is going to survive the teenage years.  He wants her to go back to being princesses.

My two kitties before T-or-T.  We had a nice afternoon walking around our little town and seeing all our neighbors.  Not to mention the candy...

...Oh, I also started my membership at the gym back up on Wednesday.  So, I must bid you good-day and go try to work my butt off.  Quite literally :(

So, how was your week?  What's new with you?


  1. hey! just found your blog from the coffee date link up! so excited to be joining in this week. I just discovered it last weekend so it's definitely a MUST every Friday for me now. haha. so sorry to hear about your rough week...unexpected deaths are almost as terrible as expected (if not worse...) they are so shocking. hope you have a great weekend and a better week next week! excited to be your newest follower! cute new header by the way! (even though I never saw the last one...) ha

  2. Prayers and thoughts to you and your family during this time of loss.

    Your girls look absolutely adorable!! and yes your Mr. is sure to have a struggle ... your girl is growing up into a gorgeous young lady. So happy that you are all safe - sandy has certainly caused enormous damage and loss.

    I'm with you my friend - butt to the gym - I start next week with a trainer ... You are most creative your hat sets are tres cute...

    Wishing you a peaceful week-end..Hugs, C. (HHL)


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