
Monday, November 26, 2012

Listicles ~ Name Game ~ 11/16/12

"10 Names I Considered for My Children"

"Kenneth William" was without a doubt the name we were going to use if we had a son.  Both names have a very special meaning to my husband and I so there was never any doubt.  However, we ended up with two GIRLS!  Girls names were so much harder!

I'm going to give you the top 5 names we debated on for each girl.  No judging!  lol

Kaylee Ann:

1.  Gabriella
2.  Annalise
3.  Emily
4.  Jasmine (now our dog!)
5.  Lindsay

After we thought of Kaylee Ann, the other options were out the door.  Kay is my middle name; Lee is Doug's middle name; and Ann is my Mom's middle name.  From there on we knew that the reason it was so hard to pick a name was because they weren't "special and meaningful" to us.  Kaylee Ann felt right :)  Then there was an outburst of Kaylee's and various spellings but that is alright, we were one of the first in our area :) 

Laken Amelia:

1.  Audrey
2.  Kenzie
3.  Kenna
4.  Melody
5.  Kendra

We knew that we were having a girl and wanted to go with a combination of our father's names:  Kenneth and Melvin.  Melvina was out of the question!  lol  I was also debating "Audrey" in honor of my grandmother who had passed away shortly before but it just still hurt too much if that makes any sense at all.  So, we decided to stick to the father combo.  I came across Laken and that was it for me.  I loved it.  Amelia soon came into place for us as well.  There are still no other Laken's in the area, so I'm good!

I think picking out the names of our girls was the only pleasant thing about being pregnant for me!  At least it took my mind off my misery...  Yeah, Kaylee was almost an only child!

Happy Monday!


  1. Choosing baby names must be ridiculously hard, especially if you want to put some already existing names into the mix! I really like Amelia and all versions of Ann / Anna... =)

  2. I love how you came up with meaningful names for your girls.

  3. I love reading how everyone came up with their names. You will have to come over my "place" and see why we picked what we did for our twins...

  4. I love how you combined names to come up with something meaningful for your girls! And wow, Laken is unusual - what a pretty name - sounds so original.

  5. What wonderful stories of how you named your girls. Love the names too. Erin

  6. That's so interesting that you didnt' carry over any girls names to the next girl!

  7. I love how much meaning girl's names hold. Also I find them unique!


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