
Monday, November 19, 2012

Listicles ~ I've Learned ~ 11/19/12

"10 Things I've Learned About Blogging"

1.  It has to be fun or I don't want to do it!

2.  People love giveaways!

3.  I love link-ups!

4.  To keep a blogging notebook with my posting schedule.

5.  That it is OK to change things up every now and then.

6.  I love getting books for review!

7.  That I don't want a separate blog for my bookishness.

8.  I really want to spend more time reading other blogs and commenting.

9.  Comments make the world go 'round :)

10.  Listicles are fun!

Happy Monday!


  1. Fun list! I am new to blogging this year and also having a blast. But, it's definitely cutting into my reading time, which I don't like so much. Haven't quite found the right balance!

  2. totally agree, I love blogging, commenting and making bookish friends!

  3. Hmm, that blogging notebook with a posting schedule sounds interesting. What exactly do you do?

  4. Great list! I learned a lot of those same things about blogging. The thing that I didn't see coming with starting a blog was all the good friends I would make. That's the icing on the cake!

  5. I love link-ups and especially Monday Listicles. Ellen

  6. I have yet to find the balance between blogging, reading books, and reading blogs. I neglect at least one of them for weeks on end!

  7. You are so organized :) Wishing you many books to review in 2013!


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