
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Gratituesday ~ November ~ 11/27/12

Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!

November is winding down.  Only 3 more days and it will be December.  Only 34 more days and it will be the year 2013.  Unbelievable!

This month has gone by quickly.  Thanksgiving vacation went by even faster.  Doug is back at work and the girls are back in school leaving me to struggle with trying to get back into MY routine.  But that isn't really what I want to talk about today.

Let me come back to the month of November and, therefore, the "30 Days of Gratitude" that I've been participating in.  I'm actually impressed with myself for sticking it out and not forgetting half-way through like I did last year!  Maybe I'm being a bit premature, seeing that I still have 3 more days to post, but I think I'll make it. :)

Each day, I posted about something I was grateful for.  Then I described or elaborated on that subject with 5 points.  Not only did this challenge help me to stay focused on being grateful and thankful this month but it also made me dig deeper into WHY.  Why was I grateful for that particular person, gift or blessing?

Some were easy.  A few were hard.  Some were funny.  A few were sad.  It ranged from my dear Grandparents who are no longer with me to my favorite foods.  From the new babies in my family to dancing music.  So many things to be thankful for and for so many different reasons.

Digging down deeper and really contemplating my blessings brought emotions to the surface.  I cried and I laughed as I typed.  I loved that I was feeling!  I wasn't just making a list.  I was looking at my life a little closer.  I was looking at my loved ones a little closer.  I was remembering the past, appreciating the present and looking forward to the future .

I guess I could say that I've been blessed by counting my blessings.  One by one.

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