
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Chats on the Porch ~ 11/7/12

This week's questions:
1. Are you planning on doing most of your Christmas shopping in stores, or online?

My husband and I have a tradition of going shopping together on Black Friday.  We don't stay up all night standing in line.  We sleep in a bit and then hit the stores after the big rush.  But we also do a lot of shopping online.  In fact, I just received the Gift Catalog in the mail yesterday and see so many things that I can get for people on my list and the prices are great!

2. Have you ever been to a bonfire?

Every year on the night before Homecoming, the whole town has a huge bonfire and all the athletes competing in Fall Sports are announced.  It is tradition and so much fun!

3. What would "simplifying life" mean to you?

Unrushed.  I find what complicates my life the most is rushing around trying to fit 100 things into my schedule when it will only hold 10.

4. Tell me about one blog you really enjoy reading.

Only one?!?  That is really hard.  I enjoy reading .  Gussy has a handmade store and has tons of tips.  I also just enjoy her "voice".  She writes like she is talking to friends.  She is also expecting a little one in the Spring so I've been enjoyed her "bump" updates :)

5. Have you ever had someone who isn't in your family, but felt just like family?

My Church family feels like family to me.  Technically, they ARE my brothers and sisters in Christ, but so many of them also take on the mentoring role of aunts, uncles and grandmothers.  A few years ago "Grandma Jane" passed away.  She was such a special, wonderful Christian lady that I grew up with as an extra grandma.  So many called her "Grandma Jane".  She liked to give out fluffies (gifts)!  Sometimes it was a pencil, sometimes a piece of candy, sometimes a dollar.  My oldest daughter, Kaylee, also knew her as "Grandma Jane".  Kaylee also has an "Aunt Dottie" who was her Meme's best friend.  She's is a very special lady.  Doug spent alot of time at her house while growing up and was best friends with her son.


Great questions!

Have a great day!


  1. I like your new header!!! Hubby and I sometimes go out later in the day on Black Friday, too. That's what we did last year to get bikes for our GRANDsons. We got a lot of laughs as we pushed two small bicycles thru Wally World!!! And, I really love your answer to #5...wish I had thought of that!!! ;-) HOPE you have a great week!!

  2. I may have to check out gussysews. I'm new to the whole sewing thing, but I'm finding that I really enjoy it. Now if I can just finish something that dosen't look like a 2nd grader made it :O) Have a blessed week.

  3. I think it is wonderful that your husband and you go shopping together. Christmas shopping stresses me out. One year hubby did go with me and that helped a lot. I guess he found it disagreeable, as he's never offered to do it again :((
    Thanks for the link to Gussy's blog. It looks like one that would be fun to read. My son has also just moved to a new place in California, so it will be interesting to compare his experiences and her's.

  4. That sounds like a great bonfire tradition. Yes, we do tend to take on more than we can handle, then feel overwhelmed. Getting organized is the key. Have a blessed rest of your week.

  5. Nice new header! I usually get good buys on Black Friday, but people seem like they're getting more rude. I may do more online. I'll have to check out Gussy's blog. Have a great week!

  6. Oh man, you're going to do Black Friday? I've never done it! I mean, I've gone to JoAnn Fabrics once at 8AM and had to wait in an 20 minute line, that was all the excitement I could handle! Haha,

    Have a good week!

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

  7. Thanks for sharing a little about yourself, I love getting to know the person behind the blog


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