
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Chats on the Porch ~ 11/21/12

This week's questions:

1. What's the last thing you baked?

I have been seriously slacking on baking lately but that is mostly so I don't eat all my creations!  The last thing I baked was a Texas Sheet Cake to take to Prayer Meeting/Bible Study on a Wednesday evening.

2. What's your favorite condiment?

I really don't like very many condiments.  Pretty much only ketchup so that would have to be my favorite :)

3. Do you have a smart phone, dumb phone, or no phone(we're talking about cell phones)?

We have NO cell service where we live and I hardly ever leave our little town except for once or twice a week.  So, we have tracfones.  That way we have a phone in case we need one, but we don't have all the bells and whistles that other phones have.  They serve the purpose.

4. Do you have a favorite card game?

I grew up playing cards with my Dad.  We would sit at the table in the evening and play.  He taught me well!  My favorite game to play is 500 Rummy.  For just a quick game it would be Gin Rummy.  I also like to play the childhood games of Go Fish, War, Crazy Eights etc.  We've also recently gotten into Skipbo since it is fairly easy and the kids can play, also.

5. Tell me ten things you're thankful for - please:)

1.  Family
2.  Salvation
3.  Our home
4.  Modern conveniences
5.  Provisions
6.  Pets
7.  Being a SAHM
8.  Chocolate Brown Eyes
9.  My craft/sewing/computer room
10.  You!


Have a great day!


  1. Great post, and great thankfulness list! May the Lord bless you and your family this Thanksgiving day.

  2. Great list, but what is a SAHM? I want a Texas Sheet Cake...To me that equals REALY BIG CAKE!!!!! Yummy :O) Have a great Thanksgiving.

  3. I share many things on your list. I'm afraid the only brown eyes around here are those of pets. Wendell has brown eyes. Sorry it took so long for me to visit. I hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving Day!


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