
Monday, November 12, 2012

Book Review ~ The Bloody Mary Club by Debbie Dyke

I am pleased to say that I am taking part in the above Pump Up Your Book blog tour!  You can click on the picture to go find out more details about the book, the author, and other tour stops.

*I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.*


Title:  "The Bloody Mary Clue"
Series:  N/A
Author:  Debbie Dyke
Publisher:  DCD Publishing
Publication Date:  5/12/2012
Pages:  394
Buy From Amazon:  HERE

Book Description:

A Fiscal Thriller Set in Historic Old Town Alexandria, Virginia Stock market meltdown. United States housing bubble. Global financial crisis. Chief executives cooking the books. Who can you trust for financial advice? Gina Van Story, a savvy 40ish investment advisor to the rescue. She can spot a trend on the market and jump on it like a cat. She dreams of grabbing the bull by the horns and is on the hunt for one final big score. Gina and her three best friends form the Bloody Mary Investment Club and come face-to-face with corruption in a David and Goliath struggle when their stock portfolio turns deadly…literally.

Over made-to-order Bloody Mary cocktails at historic Gadsby’s Tavern, Gina takes her friends under her wing and teaches them the ins and outs of the stock market. Trouble begins when, following Gina’s bullish advice, they become majority owners in the local bank and then stubbornly turn down a lucrative buyout offer. Not only will money and greed challenge their friendship, they will have to get smart fast and figure out how to turn the tables on the charmingly seductive, yet evil, banker who wants control of their stock by any means necessary – including murder

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

Even though alot of the financial lingo was lost on me, I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

I loved the characters and the dynamics of the Bloody Mary Club  (BMC)members.  The fact that they had been friends for so many years really touched me.  They truly had each other's back.

Main Characters:

Gina Van Story:  Gina is the financial guru of the BMC.  She is determined for her and her friends to retire rich.
Joanie McManus:  Joanie is the computer expert who is supplementing her computer design business with "adult" internet movies.

Vivienne Harrison:  Vivi is legal secretary who is a "Serial Bride".  She likes to make a grand entrance.

Sarah Browder:  Sarah is an accountant who has fought and won a battle with cancer.  She seems timid at first but has a lot of gumption when it comes down to it.

My Favorite Scene:

My favorite scene is when the BMC girls are trying to play "Spy" and get into a hotel room for top secret information.  Hilarious!

A Brief Excerpt:

"You've all grown up thinking you can't handle this stuff and if you're a good girl, some big strong man will come along and take care of you.  Wake up.  It's not going to happen.  Without this club, you'll be greeters at Wal-Mart when you're seventy."
Page 28

The Cover:

I think the cover is very intriguing and very appropriate for the content of the book.  And look at that tip!

Other Notes:

-There was a good bit of vulgar language in this book.
-This is definitely a main stream book with adult situations and sexuality.

-For those not having a "financial mind" there are parts that seems like another language entirely but I did learn a bit about the stock market.





Pump Up Your Book and The Bloody Mary Club are teaming up to give you a chance to win a Bloody Mary Gift Basket and Weekend Subscription to the Wall Street Journal!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


On to the next book,

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